•Chapter 39•

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               Content warning: violence

Aurora's POV:

Over the next few days, things were pretty uneventful. Whenever one of the boys thought they noticed Dr.Chamber was doing something odd or out of the norm. There was always a reasonable explanation. Maybe we were just over-reacting? Or kinda of blowing things out of proportion? I mean, we know Dr.Chambers.

He's been with us the whole time and when ever something happened he was always very understanding and there for us. I truly believe he's a good man and the boys we're starting to feel the same way I was but I can't shake this feeling. Something just isn't right, the feeling in the pit of my stomach but I have nothing else to go off of.

The boys are considering throwing in the towel and just give up this silly notion but I just can't.

Anyways, we've decided to give it a rest,  do something nice and fun. So we all piled into the SUV and headed into town. There was a little arcade, that had food and lazertag.

We had asked Dr.Chambers to tag along but he mentioned briefly that he was feeling "under weather" chose to stay behind. There it was again, that gut feeling but I digress.

I sat between Namjoon and Jungkook since they were the warmest and it was freezing outside. Yoongi drove while Hobi sat in the passenger set.

Taehyung and Seokjin in the back with Jimin sat in the middle. Occasionally, a little giggle leaving Jimin lips as Taehyung and Seokjin telling endless Dad jokes.

"So singing in the shower is fun right?" Taehyung asks while holding back a grin.

"Right." Jimin smiles

"Yeah until you get soap in your mouth." He says nonchalantly. "Then it becomes a soap opera." He snickers causing Jimin to giggle.

I roll my eyes. "Okay, Tae that was just bad" I smiled.

"Hey it made Jimin laugh so that all that matters" he says.

"Everything makes Jimin laugh." "Watch." I turn back in my seat to face the boy.

"Jimin." I say and he's already pressing his lips together to hold back a smile.

"Don't you do it." I tease. He makes another face to repress his giggles. "Don't you do it. Don't you laugh." I smile acting serious.

"Don't you let one laugh leave your lips." His shoulders started to shake trying his absolute hardest to contain his laughter. "Don't DO IT JIIIMIN." I tease harder leaning over the seat. "Don't you dare laugh" and then out of nowhere his giggles finally erupt from his body and hides his face in hands.

"Oh come on." Taehyung groans.

Seokjin was also giggling from the scene happening in front of him.

"Told you."

"That's not fair." Taehyung says leaning back in his shared seat.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung-ssi." Jimin finally managed to says through his giggles.

Once we got to the parking lot of the arcade. We parked and crawled out of the vehicle.
There was a slight chill and crisp in the air. The sun was beginning to set. The moisture in the air causing a slight fog.

Seokjin pulls me to his side, draping his arm over my shoulder. "What shall we do first?" Seokjins asks the group.

"Well we haven't eaten dinner yet." "Should we eat first?" Namjoons mentions.

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