Chapter 15: Happy Birthday!👀

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Jimin's ears started to turn a light pink as he peaked his eyes up to meet mine. "Really?" He asked softly, edged with curiously and surprise.

"Well- of course. ." I breathed.

"I had no idea it was your birthday and I didn't get you anything." I paused as he was now completely looking up to me.

"And- if you want a kiss." I could feel my cheeks warm. "Then that's what I'll give you."

I could see Jimins eyes sadden, "D-do you even want to?" He asked while biting his lower lip.

I quickly shook my head, " Yes! Of course I do." I answered urgently. "Would love to!" I spoke quickly trying to reassure him.

Of course I'd want to kiss Jimin, I mean look at him. His soft eyes, warm skin and his plush pink lips. He was perfect. Regardless of his incubus allure, he naturally is very handsome.

I watched as a small smile started to grow on his cheeks, trying to hold back a giggle. He must of thought my blabbing was cute or funny. I smiled at his reaction to me. He then put his legs down in criss cross.

Jimin and I are now very close to each other. Knee to knee. I could feel my heart beat in my ears drums. The idea of actually touching my lips to Jimin's had me nervous yet excited. He was honestly so pretty and made all hair on my arms stand up.

I watched as he brought his hand up to cup my cheek. "May I?" He whispered very close to my face.

I nodded my head once. I closed my eyes in anticipation. I could feel his breath against my cheek and I heard him swallow once which made me quickly lick my lips. I wait patiently for his lips to grace mine. Wanting to feel them so badly. Almost needing to feel them.

I then was met the sweetest, lingering feeling in the world. Jimin's lips.

They were so soft and plush. His lips felt like nothing I had ever came in contact with. We both sighed against each other in relief. I nearly felt like melting when he parted his lips slowly and I followed his rhythm. Feeling something ping in my chest. I began to feel a little light head.

He broke away, leaving me wanting way more. I slowly opened my eyes and in aw of what was in front of me. His irises were a soft purple and he had a lilac glow across his skin.

"So pretty," I breathed. The glow became a little bit more vibrate at my compliment. Which made a small smile grow across my cheeks.

" Thank you," he said shyly.

" You're welcome, Jiminnie." I continue to smile.

I watched as he got up from my window seat.

"Wait." I called out,  little confused.

He turned to me with curiosity covering his brow.

I sucked in air now feeling a little nervous for some reason. "D- dont you want more then one?"

His glow was now gone but he smiled. "I want many." He paused,

"but I could feel myself draining you."

"Which means I need physical touch with someone who can. ." He looked down. "handle me." He signed lowly.

I got up quickly and I took his hand in both of mine. "Don't feel bad, I understand."

"But can I tell you something?" I smiled up to him.

"Tell me what?" He asked.

"The more we're in contact with each other the easier it will get." I smiled.

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