Chapter 9: Wings😌

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The corner of his mouth tilted up just the tiniest bit. He was so close to me and he smelt so nice. It was intoxicating. His dark, glossy eyes stared into mine deeply. My breath was caught in my throat. He had one of his hands resting right next to my head as he came closer. The tension was thick but the air between us was thin. He slowly cupped my cheek as his lips came closer to mine. I couldn't think straight. In a second, he softly pressed his lips to mine. My mind was hazy. My thought process was gone then moment his soft lips met mine. His lips were sweet and smooth. He pulled away after a few seconds and i lingered on his lips as they left mine.

"Sorry, I just wanted to do at least once." He blushed. "It's okay." I blinked trying to keep my emotions at bay. "I just wasn't expecting it, is all." I smiled softly. "That's why I thought now would be a good time." He smiled down at me still inches from me. "I looked up to him smiling small. "I see."

He walked back to grab the door handle to open it. "Come on," He title his head to the side gesturing me to go inside as he opened the door. He had a small proud smile on his face.

I scuffed. "Wipe that grin off your face, Wings." I smirked walking through the door.

"Okay." He smiled as he entered in behind me shutting the door. I walked up the stairs as he watched me turn the corn down the long hallway.

It then dawned on him. "Wait. Did you just call me 'Wings' ?" He called out.

"Maybe." I said as I started running down the hallway away from him.

Taehyung's long beautifully white angel wings rip through his shirt exposing his back and chest. He smiled as he could hear her foot step hit the marble floor as she cutely ran away.

In an instant, Taehyung shot up in the air and made his way through the castle to find Aurora, she also could hear the sound of Taehyung wings as he made his way to her. Which caused her to smile in excitement. He grabbed her and held her close to him as he flew out a opened window with her.

"Hold on tight!" He told her as she gripped around his shoulder.

"Don't you drop me!" She yelled to him, wrapping her legs around his torso.

He smiled at her softly. "Never."

It was still pouring hard outside and flew up high past the castle into the sky. Aurora was screaming at first but it quickly turned into laughter as Taehyung flew her over the river. Taehyung was smiling contently. They were completely soaked by now but they didn't care.

"You mean these wings?" He smiled at her. Her eyes lite up as she nodded her head once.

"Tae, this is amazing!" She called out against the hard wind. He smiled big. "I know right! I missed this!"

He looked like he was on cloud 9. He was in pure bliss. This was his true form and it was the most beautiful thing Aurora had ever experienced in her life. His wings moving at an incredible rate. Small glow emanating over his bronze skin. He was so beautiful. The rain pouring down on them, flying through the hard wind.

Taehyung flew back to the castle. Stopping at the window to Aurora's room. She opened it and she climbed inside. He held tightly onto her to makes sure she got in safely.

"You shower. I'll see in a little bit, okay?" Taehyung smiled.

"Okay," I watched him as he flew all the way up towards the clock tower. I smiled and replayed what just happen in my head. The feeling I had was euphoric and this kiss right before just made that much more unbelievable. I walked into my bathroom and turned the hot water on before peeling my soaked clothes off and jumping inside.

"Hey, Namjoon." Jungkook called next to him.

"Yeah." He answered still sulking.

"Listen, earlier about what you said to Aurora and Tae hyung." He paused building up the courage to speak his mind. "I think you should apologize.

Namjoon remained quiet for a minute before saying, "I know."

"But she needs to apologize to you as well." "What she said about you was just as uncalled for."

"She already did." Jungkook reassures him.

"She did?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah after she went for a walk with Tae Hyung, she-" "Where'd she go with Taehyung?" Namjoon cut him off. "That's not the point, Joon Hyung." Jungkook was starting to get a little agitated with him.

"The point is that she honestly did feel bad about bringing me into yall's arugment." He explained. "She also promised she wouldn't do something like that again." Jungkook explained

"So I think you should talk to her." Jungkook finally making his point.

Namjoon just nodded his head as he started walking away. "Kook, do you uh-" Namjoon struggled asking him. "She's in the library, Hyung." Jungkook told him.

"Thanks," He said softly before heading that way.

I walk back inside and head to the library to talk to Aurora. I know what I said to Taehyung was wrong and I should probably apologize to him as well. I just- why do I get so heated when the others mess with her and why did I get so irritated when Kook told me they went somewhere together. I thought to myself as I turn down the hall. " Why do I feel that way."

"Because you're jealous." A voice said as I walked passed one of the studies. I stop to see Taehyung.

"How did you?" I asked very confused. "Not important," He walked over to me.

"And I- I'm not jealous," I said in denial.

"Yeah. Right. And I'm assuming you dont think she cute either then?" Taehyung smirked. Namjoon kept quiet not meeting Taehyungs eyes.

"Anyway, are you going to go talk to Aurora?" He asked folding his arms over his chest.

"I am but now that you're here. I actually I- I well. . I wanted to say I was sorry for what I said to you earlier." "It- . . It was wrong of me."

"I'm not mad at you and I wasn't to begin with." Taehyung spoke casually. "I was more concerned about Aurora then anything else.

"I'm going to talk to her right know." Namjoon explained. "Okay."

Taehyung began to walk away. "Taehyung?" Namjoon called over his should causing him to stop.

"I really am sorry." Namjoon lowered his head. "Don't worry about." "Just make sure you to make it up to our, Sunflower in there."

He smiled before turning around the corner. The nickname made Namjoon smile softly because it really did fit her well. He made his way down the long hallway and slowly peeked his into the study to see Aurora sitting in one of the chairs, sketching something. She looked so focused and cute. Namjoon couldn't help but admire the state of mind she was in.

"Can I help you, Puppers?"

'Or are you just going to stand over there staring at me." She teased still looking down at the paper she was working on causing Namjoon to blush in embracement because he was indeed staring at her.

"Oh- uh sorry." He said stepping inside which only made her smirk to herself.

She looked up briefly, gesturing him to come sit with her.

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