Chapter 23: Nobody Elses👀

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Aurora woke to the early morning sun peaking through her curtains. She sat up and took a drink of the water on her night stand.

"It's Halloween." She smiled brightly!

But her excitement soon faded when she remembered the encounter she had Jeonghan last night.

"How did he know Tae walked me to my room." She thought.
"Was he following us? Was he watching me?" Her skin began to crawl.

She didn't like that idea at all. She decided to send Tae a quick text message.

"Hey, Tae you mind walking with me to the dining room?" She sent.

Wings is typing. . .
Sure, I'm headed down anyways.(:

She smiled down at the message.
"Okay, thanks!!!" She replies then sat her phone on her bed.

The weight on her shoulders soon lifted off  knowing that Tae will be there any second.
She didn't like the idea of heading down there by herself and running into Jeonghan.

A couple of minutes went by and a knock came from her door; followed by the deep reassuring voice on the other side, calling her name.

She hopped to her feet and headed for the door opening it to see a bed head, sleepy Taehyung.

"Morning," He smiled.


She wrapped her hand around Taehyungs bicep and they made there way down the twists and turns of the hallways. As they make a left turn, they run into Seokjin.

"Oh hey, Oppa." She smiled.

"Morning beautiful, hey Tae." He smiled at the both of them.

"Are you guys heading to breakfast?" He asked.

"Yep," Aurora smiled

"Okay, great. I am to." Seokjin said moving to the right side of Aurora to walk with them.

Out of habit, Aurora put her hand around Seokjins biceps as they made there way to breakfast.

Out of sight, near by someone was lurking and didn't like what they saw.

They made there way down stair and into the formal dining room for breakfast where everyone else was waiting.

"Morning Kitz," Joon smiles.
"Morning," she said taking the seat to him.

Some of the other were already eating and Aurora couldn't help but giggle at how full Yoongi cheek were from food.

"Yoongs, slow down please," she laughed.
He just looked up and forced a silly smile before continuing to eat.

"Good morning, everyone," a abrupt voice said causing everyone to look towards the entrance of the of the dining room. Where stood a smug Jeonghan.

Aurora not meaning to, dug her nails into Namjoon bicep.

"Uh Kitz, that hurts." He whispered to her.

She looked back to Namjoon,"huh?"

"My arm, beautiful." He said sweetly glancing at his bicep. She finally caught on when she looked at her hand.

"Oh!" She let go. "I'm sorry, Joon."

"It's fine but is everything alright?" He whispered.

"It's just that-" She was cut off by feeling a foreign hand on her shoulder.

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