Chapter 19: Memory Lane

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The sun casting soft, beautiful sun rays through the deep aurburn curtains slowly covering the living area in warm red and purple shadowed where everyone was snuggled and sleeping soundly. Aurora snuggled between Seokjin and Yoongi. Jimin had fallen asleep cuddled between Namjoon and Taehyung while Hoseok and Jungkook shared the couch next to everyone else.

The smell of breakfast from the kitchen across the foyer began to cause Aurora and a few of the other to stir. When Aurora finally blinks her eyes open to the soft light coming from outside. Yoongi had his chest pressed to her back while Seokjin was sleeping peacefully on his stomach with one of his hands clutching Auroras shirt. She slowly tried to uncurled his fingers so she could sit up and go see what was cooking but the hand just gripped tighter.

"Where are you going," the deep sleepy voice asked.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." I whispered
"I wanted to see what was cooking."

Seokjin slightly raised his head to smell the air. His cheeks matching the same rich rosy color of his lips. He couldn't help but pout in his sleepy state. He didn't even open his eyes.

"It does smell good," he said laying his head back down. Maybe, bacon or sausage? He said into his pillow.

I couldn't help but smile at his cute sleepy state. He looked like a little baby. It was rare to see him like this and I loved it.

"Well I'm hungry so I'm gonna go see what it is," I said sitting up.

"Nooo," Seokjin whined pulling me into his arms.

". . . Jin, I'm hungry. . ." I whispered into his chest.

"Jin, let the poor girl go eat," a groggy voiced chimed in on the other side of me.

"Yoongi, you're awake?" I asked.

"I am now." He pouted "Lets all go see what it is." He continued.

"Yeah, come on Jin." I teased him.

"Okay and since I'm tried and your cute. I'm going to let you calling me Jin slide.

I smiled, "okay, now get your lazy bum up." I said finally sitting up along with Seokjin and Yoongi.

"Lazy bum?" Seokjin cocked his head. She just nodded her head smiling.

"Okay, strike one." He said under his breath.

I just hopped to my feet, struggling to lift the two grown man off the ground.

"Come on, guys." I huffed. "Geeet up!" I giggled
The boys slumped over before rising to their feet. "Okaaay," Yoongi whined.

"Cute," I said before giving Yoongi a kiss on the cheek.

"Can I get a kiss too?" Seokjin asked giving me his cheek.

She stood on her tiptoes and placed a nice kiss to his warm cheek causing him to smile, Then they left the living area and headed for the dinning room. Yoongi was a little a head of them.

Half way there Seokjin stopped Aurora by grabbing her hand and bringing her close. Allowing both of their fronts to press softly against one another. He reached up cupping her cheek with his hand while Aurora could feel the apples of her cheeks warm. She wasn't someone to express her vulnerability but the boys including Seokjin had made her feel safe so that wasn't a problem anymore. He booped her nosing making her giggle and he smiled finding down at her before lightly pressing his pretty soft rosy lips to her causing her to sign softly against the touch. Holding her there just a second too long cussing her heart flutter. Seokjin smiled against the kiss before letting go, watching Aurora blink her eyes open, love filling her eyes.

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