Chapter 32: Killing Me Softly

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As Hoseok was carrying Jimin to the bathroom, he was already beginning to feeling the after affects of what the two had just partaken in but chose to ignore it. Hoseok was well aware of what Jimin's powers could do to him. Jimin knew this as well. Jimin held back as much as he could. He had practiced with Namjoon once on how to restrain and hold back his draining allure. It went okay but Namjoon was left light-headed and dizzy for an hour. This time with Hoseok, he tried even harder but it wasn't enough. Hoseok had made him feel too good and he lost himself in it.

After Hoseok had set Jimin down on the toilet, he leaned over to turn the bath water on and the dizziness got worse. He tried to shake it away by standing up but it didn't work. He smiled at Jimin who was still flustered from the recent adventures.

"Are you okay, Hyung? How are you feeling?Jimin asked sweetly.

" I'm fine,Min. He answered back, beginning to unbutton his shirt but things were starting to get weird. He couldn't feel the material under his finger tips and the room began to shift. His vision burred.

Next thing Hoseok new, he was blinking his eyes open to see a splotchy, redden eyed Jimin on the phone above him. Huge tears streaming down his face. He couldn't make out anything he was saying. It was as if he was under water.

"Jimin?" He whispered and Jimin finally looked down. He began to cry harder.

"Hobi! Can you hear me?" "Hobi?!"

"Can you guys please hurry back! I don't know what to do." Jimin cried into the phone.

Aurora on the other end of the phone was worried sick. Explaining that they'd be home any minute. She was nearly crying herself because she felt so bad about the whole situation. About Hoseok and the state he was in and also Jimin. She knew how this was going to affect him.

"Okay, Min. I need you to please calm down. Can you move him to the bed?" She asked.

"What? No! I'm afraid to even touch him! What if I make it worse." He cried hysterically.

"Okay, we're pulling through the gate right know." She reassured him. Stay right here.

Hoseok had been laying there barely conscious. Eyes slowly blinking open. He began to feel the vibration of the floor on his back and began to hear Jimin's voice more clearly.

"Hobi! I'm so sorry. Everyone be here soon. Please just hang in there." Jimin cried.

All Hoseok did was smile softly. "You're a powerful little thing, aren't you?" He smirked.

"H-hobi Hyung." Jimin choked out.

Jimin looked as he saw Yoongi standing in the door way. "Move over, Min."

Jimin slowly did as he was told and watched as Yoongi picked him up the sluggish man and carried him out of the bathroom.

"Sorry, Min but your allure is linking all over that room." Yoongi called out from the hallway.

Jimin just sat there on the floor, curled up in ball, weeping into his hands.

"Jimin?" Namjoon called from the door way but Jimin couldn't hear him over his own crying.

Namjoon stepped inside and walked over to the bathroom hesitately. His heart nearly broken into pieces at the sight in front of him. A nearly completely naked, messy hair, crying Jimin on the floor. All Jimin had managed to put on were his " boy shorts."

"Oh Mini." Namjoon cooed from the door way causing Jimin to finally look up for a second and when he did, Namjoon eyes began to water as well.

He took a step in but was yelled at by the weeping boy. "Don't come near me!" I- I w-will hurt you." He quietly sobbed.

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