Epilogue (Part 2 of 5)

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#DTGEpilogue Epilogue (Part 2)

I felt like I was hallucinating when I read Assia's text. I tried to read it again and again to make sure that I was reading the right thing.

But I read the same words.

She said that she's here.

In the building.

But... why?

I willed every last energy I had in my body to get up from the bed. I'd been feeling under the weather for a while now... I seriously believed that it was my whole system adjusting to the fact that finally, Trini's out of my life.

She just had that effect.

Plus the long sermon I got from my Dad.

Everything was just making me sick.

I tried to fix myself up to look presentable. I wore a jogging pants and white shirt. I looked okay—except for the fact that I almost gave myself a shock when I looked at the mirror. I looked like I was on the verge of dying. I was pale and all that shit.

"Vito!" she shouted when she saw me. Tsk. I even frightened Assia.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ah... 'Di ka kasi sumasagot sa text."

I looked at her.

Was she... concerned?

But why?

"Pumunta ba si Niko kagabi?" she asked. I tried to hide my frown. Fucking Niko. He wish he'd choke on whatever he's eating right now.

"Yeah," I simply answered because I didn't want to discuss Niko with Assia. It's making my head ache even more.

"Ah... Papasok ka mamaya?"

"Have you eaten yet?"

I changed the subject. I didn't want to lie to her. If I tell her that I was sick, then she'd probably ask why and then I'd have to lie about what happened with Trini and my family. And she's so... nice. She deserved the good things. And I knew that I was far from good—that's why my friends were teasing me about being deceitful when I was in front of Assia.

But it wasn't like I was purposely deceiving her.

She just... she just makes me want to be good.

Was that so bad?

"Pagbalik ko sa school," she said. "Pumunta lang ako kasi 'di ka sumasagot, e. Baka kako kung ano na nangyari sa 'yo."

I just smiled at her.

She was worried.

Why do I feel kilig?

"Yeah... Sorry about that. My phone wasn't with me yesterday."

I saw that she was staring at the bandage on my hand. I placed my hand on my back. I really didn't want to discuss Trini with her—at least not yet. I had yet to apologize for whatever Trini said to her.

"Papasok ka ba mamaya? On-deck ka kasi, e," she said. I drew a deep breath. She was worried. I licked my lower lip and begged myself not to smile because I didn't want to freak her out. I knew she had priorities... I didn't want to scare her away. I was willing to wait. I was willing to take time. Because she's worth it.

I drank meds again. And then made sure that I was in the condition to drive because I didn't want to injure Assia again. It was still haunting me how I caused her to have a fracture. She's so cute and how dare I injure her?

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