Epilogue (Part 4 of 5)

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#DTGEpilogue Epilogue (Part 4)

"When will you propose?"

"That's none of your business," I politely replied as I grabbed my key from the cabinet.

"Vito, you're not getting any younger—"

"Getting older is not a reason to get married, Dad," I said. I knew he wanted me to get married already. I'm the only son and he wanted me to settle down and hopefully, stop practicing law and just focus on the family business. I didn't understand why my sisters can't do it—why I must do it? Just because I'm a man? Why the hell can't my sisters do it? I was sure they're more interested in the business than I'd ever be.

"If that's not the reason, then marry her because you love her."

I drew a deep breath. "Thanks for the dinner, Dad," I said before I walked past him and towards Shanelle who was having a conversation with my sisters.

"Thanks for the dinner, Tita," she said as she kissed my stepmother's cheek. I just politely nodded at her before Shanelle and I left. Shanelle anchored her arm on mine.

She's nice.

Sometimes, I think I love her.

But then I'd remember that I really don't.

I tried to break up with her a couple of times already because I didn't want a re-run of what happened with Trini before... She's nice now, but I knew that even the nicest of people also have their limits. And I just didn't want her to reach hers.

I didn't want to push her over the edge.

"Can we eat?" she asked. "Di ako naka-kain nang maayos."

"You should've have accepted the invitation," I said.

"And say what?" she replied. "Besides, I like your family."

And they like her very much.

If they could haul my ass to the altar, they very much would.

Shanelle and I went to her favorite restaurant. She ordered food while I only ordered a glass of orange juice. I still needed to work later. And I was able to eat earlier—the tensed atmosphere couldn't bother my appetite anymore. I'd been living with that for years. I'd had my share of practice.

"Funny story," she said as she sipped from her glass of wine.

I looked at her. Sometimes, when I look at her, I seriously wonder what she sees in me. She could definitely have anyone she wants... yet here she was.

"Your mom asked me—"

"Stepmom," I corrected.

"Still your mom," she replied. "She's nice."

"I didn't say that she's not nice, just that she's not my mom."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Mr. Technicality," she said that made me laugh. And then I realized why we're still together—because we have fun. She's a very sarcastic woman and I definitely enjoy the banters with her.

"Tita asked me about our plans."

And it was my turn to reach for the glass of wine and have some for myself.

"And I just shrugged because you know... I don't know what the plan is, Vito," she said. And I didn't need to look at her to know that she was intently staring at me—so intense that she could definitely bore a hole in me.

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