Chapter 13: The Song Family

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Rosé's Pov

The next day I got news from my mafia gang that my most loyal companion Irene died. I was shocked I asked them what happened. But no one told me......

As I got the news of Irene's death, I hurried back to my secret base. When I walked in, everyone was dead silent. I saw Joy (Irene's sister) crying. I went over and started crying too. Then I wiped my tears and shouted angrily, WhAt tHe HECK hAppEneD? No one dared to answer, I again shouted, IF YoU Won't TELL Me ThEn Get Ready To Die.  

I asked my secretary, Ashley. At first, she hesitated but then said it was K......*said in a scared voice tone*

K? who is he? Don't tell me it's him. I heard rumors about K. But what does that got to do with me, I got into deep thought. 

Then Ashley said, he sent a letter to you. I picked the letter and started reading it, it said:

"Until now you would have seen your dead friend's body. If you don't want your other friends and family members to die. Come and meet me. You must be wondering why I would do this. Sweetheart the reason is simple, I want to marry you. Do you remember the Song Family and your mother's relation with it? Because of your mother, my father died. And I am suffering. You do know that Children should pay for their parents' crimes. You will be mine, and I'll make you want to die. You would wish every day to die. I'll make you live as dead. Slowly, I'll kill everyone who is close to you. And if you don't come to meet me I'll make your life HELL. Don't think of it as a joke. If you ask your mother, she might know."

I thought of it as a childish trick at first. But then I remembered my Mom once mentioned the Song Family. To be cautious I asked my bodyguards to go and increase their security and sent some men to my family for protection. I also sent a few shadow guards to protect my friends in secret. 

After this, I tried a lot to find who K is, but I couldn't find him. I was really stressed.

I got a leave for a month from school and went back to Australia as soon as possible. I went to my home and asked my mother about the details of the Song Family. I told her everything about K and the letter and also Irene's death. My mom started talking, and said,

"My dear daughter well seems like it's time to tell you everything. It all began when the Song Family's eldest son's marriage was arranged with me. I actually was the daughter of the Li Family but I fell in love with your dad and I ran away from home. After some time the Song Family's eldest son Jaehyun kidnapped me and tried to marry me but your father saved me and well he also killed Jaehyun. Your father never wanted to kill Jaehyun, it was because Jaehyun killed your grandmother and your grandfather before kidnapping me. He was quite evil and he did all sorts of bad crimes. He won't stop so your father had no other choice.

Rosie promise me that you will be safe, the Song Family is really dangerous."

"Eomma thank you for sharing this don't worry I'll be safe," I reassured my mother. And then I went to meet K.

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