S2 Ch 49: A date with Lisa

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Rosé's Pov

Taehyung grabbed my hand and pulled me closer,

"Roseanne, how can you say I didn't do anything, I looked for you everywhere I even came to Australia to look for you, I tried everything in my power to get you back, When I finally reached the same level as your company then only you came back, or else you would've never come back," he said.

"Yes you are right I would've never come back cuz you don't deserve it," I said. I tried to break free from Taehyung's hand but he tightened his grip.

"Taehyung Leave now or else I'll..... before I could finish Tae crashed his lips on mine.

In between our kiss, I bit him...

"Hah, you even bit me, Rosie you were never like this, just what caused you to change," he said.

"Taehyung, I'm tired I have wasted 10 years of my life with you, I don't wanna do this anymore now please let me go I beg you," I said.

"Fine," he said.

He loosened his grip and I went to the car and went straight back to my apartment. I went to my room and started crying.

"Mom what happened why are you crying," Ji-hoon asked.

"Ji-hoon, that guy whom we met was your father," I said. "Mom if you don't love that man then don't worry, I won't force you to be together with him," he said.

I let out a chuckle and said, "Since when did my son grow up so much, besides Ji-hoon you would also want to have a father like others right," I said.

"Mum, I don't need a father who doesn't treat you well and you are my everything so please stop crying," he said.

"Uhm As you say my little prince, now let's sleep," I said.

In the morning...

"Ji-hoon I'm going out, take care of the home," I said. "As you say mom, have a safe trip," he said.

I went to meet Lisa. 

"LISA, long time no see I missed you so much," I said while hugging Lisa tightly,

"Yah Rosie you are choking me," she said. "Oh sorry," I said. 

"It's fine, anyway shall we go on our date," she said. 

"Of course my love, first let's go to the cafe shall we," I said. 

"As you say, my sweetie," she said.

At the cafe...

"Rosie," she said. "Hmm," I responded.

"I got to know what happened before and why you left all of us, I'm sorry," she said.

"it's fine Lisa," I said. "Rosie you should get back with Tae, you know he still loves you and you are the mother of his child, And isn't it equal you both left each other once," she said.

"Lisa if you dare to speak in favor of him then I'm going," I said. "Ok ok I'm sorry," she said.

"So what's the plan," I asked. "You know shopping than a movie and of course going to the bar," she said.

"Oh btw I know a bar which is great especially its wine, damn I love it," I said. "So we will go there, let's go," she said.

After shopping and watching the movie, we went to the bar.

"We would like 10 bottles of the special wine," I ordered.

"Are you okay, that much," Lisa said. "Lisa I want both of us to leave drunk, then shall we," I said.

We both started drinking and well it got quite bad. We both were drunk like crazy. 

While leaving the bar we met a thug, 

"Oh~ you both are quite good pieces, why not have a taste of you," he said.

"You Jerk watch your mouth," shouted Lisa. "Oh little missy seems drunk, It's more fun this way," he said.

I punched him and said, "You have no right to have us, you scumbag,"

Well, we both managed to beat him but were super tired,

"Rosie I can't walk," said Lisa. "Lisa just a bit to the car then we will go home," I said while stumbling.

Author's Note: Guys do you want another chapter, Since I'm free I can add if you all want.

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