S2 Ch 32: Who is that person?

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Rosé's Pov

During the middle of the ceremony, someone came in wearing a black mask and pointed a gun at K, and said, "hah you thought only were the one who could fool me."

"this-- how are there 2 of you." he said while looking at me.

"oh you even seem to recognize me with a mask, then i wont need it anymore." she said while throwing the mask away.

"K you know my first mistake was to underestimate you, I thought you were a weakling. But after I got to know about your whole plan to mess with me. I felt like I'm not the best mafia now. This time you were the one who made the same mistake as me. You under estimatd me K." she said

"You how can you be there and here as well." K said while getting confused.

"K you are not the only one who can have a clone. First, you fooled me with a clone this time I was the one who did this" I said.

"You since when?" he asked in confusion.

"Well since you are near your death I'll tell you, It was when I got the news of my parents and how you were still alive. I planned this for a long time. And it worked. My clone was with you from the start." I said.

"How did you do it?". K said.

"I'm not called the mafia queen just becuase of this. Of course, I'll have a few tricks on my sleeve. when I sent my clone to you I worked day and night to make your company's stocks fall. and after my hardwork finally it paid off." I said

"K because of you I have suffered alot and if I didn't make you suffer a 1000 times more than my pain then I won't be worthy of my title." I said.

"Attack her," K ordered his men, but before he could do anything my men had already defeated his all men.

I went to K and said, "Now your worst nightmare has begun, Just like how you snatched everything from me. I snatched everything from you. You are no longer the heir, your family has died. And of course your child and your wife. At first, I was soft but after what you have done I don't think I need to be soft anymore. Your wife has been killed and your child who was also as evil as you was sent to child prison."

"You why" K said.

"You ask me why K have you ever thought how others feel, you are truly inhumane. An animal living in a human's body. Maybe in your next life you won't be as evil as this." I said

I killed K and well finally its done.

After 2 years..............

Finally, everything's back to normal now exceot for one thing. My parents have woken up from coma and my sister is living happily with her family. 

Everything is good except my love life. After I left Tae, he never contacted me. He is in Korea and maybe now he is the CEO of a big company. 

"Rosie what happened you seem sad nowadays.?" My mother asked. "Eomma it's nothing just stress," I replied. "Rosie I'm your mom I know you better than anyone else, when you have something on your mind you should share it." my mom said.

"Eomma I-i have done somehting wrong. I..

You know, I had a boyfriend and I love him alot but brcause of K I had to break up with him. I was afraid that K might hurt him. When the first time I got to know aboout K I hid it from them and well after some time I told my all friends and promised to tell them again if somthing like this happens. But i broke my promise and I also left Tae. I'm a horrible person." I said and broke into tears.

"Rosie You should have told him but it's fine you wanted to protect him right go talk to him he will surely understand." My mom said and I hugged her

I have hurt Tae a lot and maybe he won't be back with me. Escpecially the day of our breakup.

I have broken many hearts while fighting K. I hope I can get back with Tae.....

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