S2 Chapter 19: The Plan

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Author's Note: Hi everyone so I've been pretty lazy and well I tried writing another ff but it takes time so I just postponed that. Lately, I've been busy since my father had transfer So I had to move back from abroad and after my visa comes I'll go back abroad again. Simply Its a long process So I don't get much time sorry for the late updates.

Rosé: hi Everyone

Hi, they said.

Jimin: we have thought of a plan to defeat k but it may need some work

Rosé: Guys let me take you all to a place, then we can discuss this

After this, I took bts and my members to my secret base.

Rosé: Here this is my base. Everyone was surprised but liked it a lot.

Now let's talk

Jimin: as I was saying we have a plan but it's gonna be hard.

Lisa: it's fine if it's for Rosie we will do anything

Rosé: Guys honestly I don't want you all to get hurt. K IS VERY dangerous. I can't let you all risk your lives for me.

Jennie: but we can help we are not useless

Rosé: I know it's just I can't afford it if you all get hurt

Jungkook: Don't worry, we will not get hurt

Rosé: *sigh* fine I'll see

Jimin went out saying he had some work and has now returned

Jimin: Rosie, I have a gift for u

Rosé: what is it

Jimin: see for yourself

Jimin sent his most trained men for Rosie as a present

Rosé: Jimin I can't take it it's too much. Besides, I have men too.

Jimin: Rosie, it's my gift so plz

Rosé: agh fine

Jungkook: Now let's discuss the plan

RM: We should do something by which none of us gets hurt and we win.

Rosé: It seems you are asking for the impossible

Lisa: it's not impossible if we all work together

Jhope: It's hard but not impossible

Rosé: Guys! Why don't I just marry him and just let it be?

Tae: No way you are gonna marry that piece of sh*t

Suga: Tae language

RM: Rosé sorry to say this but this is the worst plan

Rosé: Pfft haha I'm just joking, this will be our last option

Jimin: Let's begin the plan now. Firstly why don't we destroy his bases?

Rosé: do u have a map of his bases? if we can get it we might be able to win, but we have to start from the main ones. we can't directly go to the small ones cuz it will take time. 

Jimin:  You are right. the map hmm, someone has to go and steal it.

Jungkook: can I go? I have a few tricks on my sleeve maybe I can use them.

Tae: I'll go with u then.

Rosé:  no need guys! we can just find it here


RM: From the internet.

Rosé: yup guys use some brain. We just have to use the secret Underworld site through which you can hack into others' computers and get their location too.

Jhope: damn that's the problem of having two people with high IQ they always have the answer

everyone starts laughing

Rosé: I have an idea. I can train my men with Jimin's men to go to the small places and destroy. and then we can divide and go to the main places. we are a total of 11 so there are 3 places. 3 will go to 1, while the 4 others will go to this one, and the other 4 to the other one.

Tae: it's a nice plan. but how should we decide on partners?

Jimin: yeah, we can draw lots.

Lisa: let's just play rock paper scissors

yeah, that's' fine everyone agreed.

Rosé: ok so the groups are:

Team 1: Rosé, Taehyung, and Jimin

Team 2: RM, Jennie, Lisa, Jhope

Team 3: Jisoo, Min Yoongi(Suga), Jin, Jungkook

Rosé: But before we carry out the plan we will have to train. So who knows how to fight and tell me who can use a gun?

Jennie: I know self-defense and I can't use guns

Lisa: I can't fight nor use guns.

Jisoo: I can fight a little and guns are a no.

Jimin: both for me

Tae: we all can do both.

Rosé: Ok then, we can be partners and teach. so Jhope will teach Lisa and I'll take Jennie and Jisoo.

Lisa: why can't you teach me *Lisa whined*

Rosé: sweetheart I'd love to but they will be training in using a gun. You should first learn self-defense ok.

Lisa: ahh fine

Rosé: ok it's decided then.

I don't know the number of men k has. I don't even know what he can do. There should be something. But how can I find out? I have to be careful.

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