S2 Ch 27: Jisoo's Wedding

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Jisoo's Pov

Well, today is the day. So this is my dress for today...

 So this is my dress for today

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To tell the truth, I'm really nervous right now. To think I'm getting married. I'm happy but a little sad too. Leaving my family is a bit hard.

Rosé's Pov

So finally Jisoo Unnie is getting married. Honestly, I'm really happy for her. Jisoo Unnie has gotten an amazing husband. I hope that Jin Oppa will always make her happy and love her.

The wedding began...

Now enters the bride, they announced

When Jisoo Unnie entered, everyone was shocked by her beauty. She looked like an absolute angel. Jin Oppa's jaw dropped when he saw her. She was stunning.

The ceremony began and the priest said "Jin do you take Jisoo as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Jin Oppa said,

I, JIn, take you, Jisoo, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does us part.

Then the priest asked Jisoo the same thing, She said,

I, Jisoo, take you, Jin, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does us part.

Now you both may exchange your rings and the groom may kiss the bride, said the priest.

They shared a passionate kiss leaving the crowd in Aww.

Jisoo Unnie came to us,

 I said, " This was the most beautiful wedding I have ever seen. I hope you will be happy forever,"

" Thank you," said Jisoo. Jennie said, "daebak when Jin kissed you I thought you guys forgot about the crowd." 

Lisa said, " Yeah that kiss was so amazing," Jisoo said," stop teasing me". 

"Ok we won't tease you, today is you day to shine my lovely Unnie," I said.

Jisoo Unnie went to greet the guests. Tae came behind me and said," it was an amazing wedding right." 

"Yeah, I agreed.

 He whispered in my ear, "but ours will be the best". "Tae please not now," I said. 

"What I'm only telling the truth wifey," Tae said. "hey, stop calling me that," I said. "Only if you call me hubby," Tae said.

Jennie came and interrupted us by saying, " Guys that's enough PDA. 

Lisa said, " yeah it's way too sweet for us to handle."  "You should say it to Tae," I said.

After the wedding, I went home with Tae. After changing and doing other stuff we layed on the bed. 

Tae said," Rosie I want you to meet my parents".    "Of course I also wanted you to meet my parents. Tae, we have been dating for a while now and I feel like we should you know get married and stuff," I said  

"What do u mean by and stuff," Tae said while smirking. 

"Taehyung stop teasing me," I said shyly. "Fine, I won't. Rosie remember I'll always love you." Tae said. "Me too Tae I love you," I said. After this Tae hugged me and we both slept.

Lisa's Pov

"Hobi thank you for everything", I said. "Lisa what happened"? Jhope said. 

"it's nothing, it's just I'm grateful to have you, to tell u the truth after Sehun I couldn't believe in love but when you came into my life, I feel I have changed and it is a good change hobi, Thanks to you I love you. I said.

 "Lisa if you say it like this I won't be able to control myself," Jhope said. I started kissing him he was shocked but kissed me back. "You are quite active today hmm," he said while smirking. "Whatever I'm sleeping," I said, I turned to the other side and Jhope wrapped his hands around my waist and said I love you too babe. 

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