Chapter 15: The Blossoming Romance

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Rosé's Pov

After the whole K thing, I went back to school. None of my members talked to me. I tried talking to them but they would ignore me. One day I tried talking to Lisa in the University hallway. Lisa began shouting, "How can you go without telling us do you know how we would feel." "I m sorry but it's a family matter".  I said. "We always share everything and here you never tell us anything. It's enough Rosie". She said.

 Lisa went back. Jennie and Jisoo just watched her and then followed her back.

What has happened? Why don't they tell me?

Jisoo Unnie at least you tell me. I begged her. I'm sorry Rosie, she said.

 Sehun cheated on Lisa with her sister, said Jennie. what?? I exclaimed

 Sehun and Lisa's sister had this plan to mentally break down Lisa. We told you now please go. 

Why don't you guys listen to me? I cried and begged but no one listened.

I'm tired. First, Irene left me and now my friends don't even want to talk to me. I said while crying. I finished 2 bottles of wine and now I'm drunk. I hate my life. why do I have so many worries? as I cried someone came behind me.

Who are you?? I said, Rosie what are u doing here, he said. How can u talk like that to me, I said angrily but he said I was looking cute. Hmph. Then he said, "I'm Tae remember your friend."

 "Oh, that Tae," I said, "Yes now come on I'll take you home". He said 

I don't wanna go, I said. He didn't listened to me and carried me in his arms and went to his car. "Can I go to your house pretty please," I said *sigh*Fine he said. 

When we reached his house he again carried me into his bedroom I laid on his bed and Tae went to get me some water. I began crying when I suddenly thought of Irene. Tae came in and saw me crying he asked what happened. I couldn't answer him and said please leave me. 

Tae hugged me tight and said, "You know sometimes it's better to share your worries with someone than to cry over it and keeping it in your heart."

I said while crying,  "One of my best friends passed away. I'm really sad and I'm burdened a lot. I have a lot of work and I can't do anything. I'm depressed. I want to be perfect and good. But I can't live up to others' expectations. I can't do it anymore and I started crying heavily. Lisa, Jisoo, and Jennie won't even talk to me. I hate my life. I cried heavily."

Tae said,  "You know I also feel like that. But it's fine if u can't live up to others' expectations. If we always think about others we can't be a better person. And the way you are you are amazing. Don't worry they will talk to you besides a lot happened to Lisa too so let's give her some time."

I smiled at him and said, "Tae can you please sleep here with me." Tae was shocked and said I--I then I put my finger on his mouth and hugged him and slept. Tae also slept......

Taehyung's Pov

I never thought she would have so many problems. I am really happy that you could trust me with this. Don't worry I'm here you will get through it. I kissed her forehead and went to sleep.

Rosè's Pov

I woke up and my head was hurting like crazy. I saw Tae on my side and was shocked. Tae woke up while rubbing his eyes he said, "don't worry nothing happened I saw you drinking yesterday and was worried so I took u home and we just slept." 

"Ah, thanks Tae I'm really grateful," I said. I got up and was ready to leave while Tae grabbed my hand and said "you are not anywhere."

 "Why," I asked in confusion.

 For 1 week you and I will go on a vacation. I was confused. "Umm, why," I asked.

 "We should go for a vacation to clear our minds please," he said. 

I can't, I said. he made a very cute face and said "then I won't be your friend anymore." Why are you emotionally blackmailing me? Ok, we will go" I said. 

Yaay he said in excitement he looked really cute. Maybe going on a vacation isn't a bad idea.

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