S2 Ch 41: Why does this sound familiar?

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Rosé's Pov

I was roaming around the streets. After a while, I saw a forest-like area. I went in as I was curious, I reached the middle of the forest and was lost since the forest was like a maze. 

I saw a lady the same age as my mother lying near a tree, she was severely injured. I tried to bandage her wounds so her state won't worsen. Then, I carried her on my back and went to a cave since I didn't know a way out. 

"Umm Who are you, little girl?" the woman asked while waking up. 

"Thank goodness you woke up, Aunty I'm Roseanne you can call me Rosie, Are you feeling pain anywhere?" I asked

"No, I'm feeling better," she said. "By any chance are you hungry, I'm cooking some fish would like some?" I asked.

"Oh sure, thank you, dear," she said. 

"Aunty, if you don't mind may I ask you something," I said. "Sure ask me anything," she said.

"Umm how did you end up like this, I mean given your age it's hard for you to get injured like this," I said.

"*sigh* you are right, the reason I ended up like this was because of the dark seal, I'm its owner," she said.

"Wait!! you are its owner, I thought it was an old lady, but you are so beautiful and young," I said.

"Haha I'm not that young, So I got into a fight with a mafia or criminal, he wanted the seal, I managed to defeat him but was greatly injured and passed out," she said.

"OH, but there would be many people who want the seal right?" I asked.

"Yes you are right, so I give everyone a test, no one has yet passed the test," she said.

"If you don't mind can I give the test?" I asked.

"Sure, the test is based on 3 questions which I'll ask, and a little physical test, are you ready to answer?" she said.

"Yes I'm ready," I said. "What is your biggest regret in life?" she asked.

"My biggest regret... there was this time when I was threatened by someone and because of this I hurt many people, from them was the love of my life, he was the person whom I hurt the most, though the pain was not physically rather emotionally, even though I got back together with him I still regret it," I said.

"Why did you leave him you could've told him about everything?" she asked.

"At first I also thought but, when someone threatens you about your loved ones, you don't know what to do, sometimes emotions take you over and you make the wrong decision," I said

"If you were given a chance to reverse time, what would you do?" she asked.

"I would try to not make the same mistakes as I did in the past," I said.

"You are a good girl, dear," she said.  "You know something similar to this also happened to me, I used to be a happy young lady who was living a good life with her loving husband, but when my husband suddenly left me without any reason I was devastated, I didn't know what to do," she said and began crying. 

Wait.. why is her story similar to something I've heard? Just where did I hear it? 

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