S2 Ch 52: Kidnapped!?

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Rosé's Pov

I went back to my apartment. I went in and saw that my son was nowhere.

This kid.... just where did he go?

I was worried. Thank God I had already attached a tracker on his watch.

I checked his location and got to know he was in the amusement park. Just how the hell did he get there and who is he with?

I went to the park and saw Tae with him. 

I said, "Tae, by winning the heart of the child you can't win me,"

"Rosie, just listen will you," he said. "I'm sorry I don't have time for your nonsense," I said and went to Ji-hoon.

"Ji-hoon if you dare to do this again, you are gonna be grounded for a month," I said. 

"Mommy, I'm sorry, but please don't be angry with Dad I was the one who went to him first," he said.

"Wow you even started calling him Dad and you are even taking his side, Tsk Just go home with me Ji-hoon," I said while being annoyed.

While I was going, Tae continued following me. I suddenly felt a pain in my head.....

These days I had been working a lot and I had been stressed a lot.

I tripped on a rock and was going to fall but luckily Tae held me.

"Rosie, are you okay," he asked worriedly. Him being worried for me, I missed it. No... what am I thinking we can't go back to what we were.

"Mr.Kim, on the day I met you in the airport I told you that you shouldn't touch a woman without her consent and now you are doing this again, Just how many times should I tell you," I said.

"Tsk, My patience is over now, Roseanne Park since you are so annoyed with me, Then, I'll make you more annoyed," he said, He picked me up and ordered his bodyguard to take Ji-hoon home.

"Ji-hoon, we will play later right now I'm gonna have a talk with your mom," he said.

"Have a good and long talk Dad, Bye," Ji-hoon said.

We went to the car. Tae took off his tie and tied my hand with it.

"Yah Taehyung what the heck are you doing?" I shouted.

"If you talk much, I'll close your mouth," he said while looking into my eyes.

"You jerk how can you kidnap me in broad daylight," I said while struggling.

"Seems like you don't like the easy way," he said and kissed me. His kiss was long and deep. Damn, I tried to resist but I can't. This man is way too seductive for me to handle. I kissed him back.

"This time you didn't bite me, my little wild cat," he said while smirking.

"Hmph," I said.

We reached his home. 

"Taehyung what happened to you, why are you acting this way," I said.

"Rosie you made me act like this," he said.

He picked me up and took me to his room. He pinned me to the wall and started kissing me......

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