S2 Ch 37: A little joke

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Rosé's Pov

"Next time we won't ever watch a horror movie, please open your eyes," I said. Tears began falling from my eyes. 

Tae opened his eyes. As soon as he did I hugged and said, "Tae don't ever scare me like that"

"Hehe I was just joking," he said while laughing. "I never thought you would cry," he continued.


I went to my room and locked it. Taehyung, you jerk. Do you even know how worried I was?

Taehyung came and knocked on my door. He said, "Rosie I'm sorry, please forgive me." 

I didn't respond. "Alright If you won't answer then I'll break the door," he said.

Well, he did what he said. He broke the door and came in. 

I turned to the other side. He came and laid beside me on the bed and said, "I'm sorry I won't ever do that again."

I didn't wanna answer him. How can he joke like this?

"Rosie if you don't answer me then I'll do something to you," he said. "You can do whatever you want I don't wanna talk with you," I said.

He pinned me to the bed and looked into my eyes lustfully. He forced a kiss upon me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

Then he began kissing my neck. I pushed him away and said, "Enough no need to do anything more, I forgive you." 

"Yah how can you do this to me in the middle," he said. "Whatever just sleep," I said. 

"Fine," he said while pouting. "If you want you can sleep here, no need to go to your room," I said.

"Do you know what you are doing," he said. "Of course I know, now come on let's sleep I'm tired," I said.

He laid beside me and I was in his arms. His arms are the warmest place in the world. I missed his warmth, his touch, his sweet kisses, his love for me. Without knowing, a tear escaped my eye and I couldn't hold back anymore. I started crying my heart out.

When Tae saw me he became worried and asked me, "What happened," 

I said, "Taehyung, I-i I'm sorry, I missed you a lot these years and without you I'm incomplete, Please give me a chance."

"Rosie, I also want to forget the past, Can we start over," he said. "Taehyung, I missed you," I said and my tears won't stop falling. Tae hugged me and comforted and I fell asleep in his arms.

In the morning...

I woke up and Tae was still sleeping. I tried to get off the bed without making noise. As soon as I got up to get off, Tae wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back. He said, "Baby, you can't go like this, first give me a good morning kiss," 

"Tae don't act like a spoiled child, I wanna take a bath," I said. "Sweetie, you can take it later first give me a kiss," he said. "agh fine," I said and gave him a kiss. 

I got up but he pulled me again and said, "Rosie let's sleep a little more,"

"Tae please I wanna go," I said. *sigh*"Fine you can go but," he said.

"But what?" I asked.

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