S2 Ch 28: How?!

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Rosé's Pov

NO! Eomma, Appa open your eyes. This can't be true. Tae, listen to me. I didn't cheat on you please believe me. Tears began falling down my eyes. I began shivering.

Rosie open your eyes, Rosie wake up. Tae said.

I could hear Tae's voice. I opened my eyes and started shivering. Tae hugged me and said, "don't worry it was just a dream. Come on let's sleep." 

"I don't wanna sleep," I said. "*sigh* It's late now, if you don't sleep what will you do?" Tae said. "I-i, fine but only if you are here with me," I said. 

"Silly I'm always with you," he said while kissing my forehead "now don't worry I'm here," Tae comforted and hugged me to sleep.

A month has passed now I'm going back to my family. I'll talk to them about Tae also. I hope they agree on my relationship with him.

When I reached home, my biggest nightmare came true.........

" Th-is What happ-enned i-i Eomma Appa o-pen your eyes. Who did this." I said while holding back my tears, but they still started falling. Who could have done this? 

Then, I saw a note there it was:

"I intended to give an early birthday present my dear future wife. Hopefully, you will like it. Remember I told you this is not the end of me yet you never thought about it. This is only the beginning. Later there will be many exciting events."

Love, K 

H-he is alive. How? I killed him by myself. Why did it happen? I broke into tears and fell on my knees. No now is not the time to cry, I went to check my parents'  pulse. I studied a bit of medicine. I checked their pulses thankfully they were still alive. I called for the ambulance and went to the hospital. 

The doctor said, "Miss thankfully they are safe and out of critical condition but... 

"But what is it," I said. They are in a coma and there is really less chance that they will wake up," the doctor said. 

Why is this happening...

I went back to my house. the company's stocks were falling drastically. I controlled the situation for the time being but then I faced another big loss......

My sister's office was caught on fire and my sister was inside. I ran to my car and rushed to my sister's office but.....

On the way, I got into an accident. That was the first time in my life that I ever felt so useless. Because of me, my family is in this condition. I can't do it anymore, perhaps it's just better to die. I lost consciousness and felt as if being dead is better than living a life without my loved ones.  

When I opened my eyes I was in the hospital. I saw Ashley, my secretary. "Rosie are you okay? what happened" she said worriedly. 

"Ash I have lost everything," I said while sobbing," I'm useless. I should just die. Because of me, this all happened. I can't take this anymore. Everyone thinks I'm strong on the outside and can do anything. But when it was the time to do everything I did nothing. I couldn't save my family. I deserve to die. I have lost everything. Just why me. Why did this all happen to me? What have I done wrong? why I--" I said and burst into tears.

Ashley hugged me and said " Rosie you have me and there are many other people who support you. Besides your family will be fine."

"Ash I think now I know how it feels to be hopeless, K said he would ruin my life and make me want to die. I guess he completed his purpose. I am extremely weak in emotions." I said

"You are The Roseanne Park you can't give up. You know Rosie you should make your loved ones your strength rather than your weakness. That way you will always be emotionally tough. When I first met you, I was vulnerable. You taught me how to be strong. Rosie, We will always support you. Don't worry." she said.

"Thanks, a lot ash, I will do something for sure. But the pain of losing someone completely tores you apart. I just feel as if I can't protect the people who are close to me." I said.

Ash nodded and comforted me again. Thank you, Ashley.

Author's Note: So I added another twist. Anyway, I wanted my plot to be different so I made the female lead go through troubles. Mainly it's the Male lead who gets threatened but I wanted a strong Female lead type story, so I wrote it like this. But who knows what will happen in the future. 

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