S2 Ch 48: Meeting Him Again

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Author's Note: So guys I originally wanted to have a sad ending in the previous chapter but my friend keeps spamming me saying happy ending. Like she was gonna kill me if I didn't write a happy ending so here we go.

6 years later...

Rosé's Pov

"Mom, wake up, you are gonna be late for work," said someone.

"Umm sweetie, why do you always trouble mom so much, just let me sleep," I said. "Mommy, will you wake up or not," he said.

"Fine my dear son, you won I wake up, you can go and get ready for school while I take a shower, ok," I said. "As you saw mum," he said and went.

Well, I even have a son now, After that incident, I came back to Australia and told my parents about it, I even told them I was pregnant, Luckily, they supported me and let me keep the child. Besides, I can't punish an innocent child for his father's mistakes. 

During this period, my child had to suffer a lot. When he first started school, many others would say he was a bastard child and doesn't have a father, my son would always come to me and tell me what happened, It was all my fault I couldn't give my child a proper family, he would also want to have a father just like the others. 

I got ready for the office and went to drop my son at school. 

In the office...

"Miss Park, we have a corporation deal with the Kim Corporation, and they are requesting to meet you," my secretary said.

"Hmm, didn't I tell you to reject them," I said. "We did reject them but they said that if you don't meet their president personally they will withdraw the contract, and the contract costs nearly 2 Billion Dollars," he said.

"Tsk Such a pain, Ok tell them I'll come to Korea till a week and we will have a meeting," I said.

"As you say, Miss Park," he said and left. 

Taehyung you still didn't give up did you, All these years, you still haven't forgotten me.

My son came back from school. "Mom what are you cooking?" he said. "I'm making some rice," I replied.

"Ji-hoon come on, food is ready," I said. "Ok mum," he said and came.

"Ji-hoon, we are going to Korea for some time," I said. "Why," he asked.

"I have some business there," I said. "Ok," he said.

After eating we both packed our stuff, and I booked our tickets.

After a few days...

Today is our flight. We have safely landed in Korea and now I'm going out of the airport.

When I went out I was shocked to see Taehyung... 

It seemed as if he was waiting for us. 

"Rosie," He shouted as he saw me and came running towards me. He hugged me.

I pushed him away and said," Mr. Kim it is an offensive act to hug a woman without her consent,"

"I'm sorry, but I don't care," he said and pulled me from my waist.

"Mommy, is he daddy?" my son said. Taehyung's gaze shifted on him and said, "Rosie this.... I never knew you were pregnant at that time,"

"Ji-hoon go to the car Miss Ashley arranged for us," I said. "But Mom I want to stay," he said.

"Do as I say," I said. "Ok Mom," he said and left.

"Kim Taehyung that day I wanted to tell you that I was pregnant and you were going to be a father but you ruined it and now you don't have the right to claim that he is your son. All these years I suffered yet you... you never even once came to me. I'm tired of it," I said and walked away.

Taehyung grabbed my hand and.....

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