Chapter 16: The City of Love

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Rosé's Pov

After I agreed, I went to pack my stuff. Since it will be a week's vacation, I won't need many things.

We went to Paris for a week's vacation. On the first day, we went to the Musée d'Orsay. There we saw the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh. Tae was a fan of him. I also enjoyed artistic things. I and Tae had many things in common. I really like Van Gogh's Starry Sky painting, It was magnificent.

For the 2nd day, we went to The Wall of Love (Le Mur Des Je t'aime). It was a beautiful place. It is a love-themed wall. The wall was created in 2000 by calligraphist Fédéric Baron and mural artist Claire Kito. the phrase 'I love you' is featured 311 times in 250 languages. It was quite astonishing to see how I Love You was written in many languages.

On the 3rd day, we went shopping. Tae bought a lot of things for me. He really spent a lot. It was a lot of fun. I bought gifts for my members too. Tae also bought gifts for his members. 

On the 4th day, we went to have a picnic at the Luxembourg Palace and Gardens. And of course, we also took a sunset cruise along the Seine. It was so romantic. Though, we weren't dating it felt as if we were a couple.

For the 5th day, we went to Disneyland Paris. It was beautiful and we had so much fun. At first, I wasn't sure whether we should go there or not but it is a must to go. I haven't felt this refreshed in a long time.

On the 6th day, we went to the Eiffel Tower. Now I know why Paris is called "The city of love". The Eiffel Tower was alluring. Though it's only a monument, it's way too eye-catching. We went to the top of the Eiffel Tower and the view was breathtaking.

There was a festival on the last day. So, we went to the festival and we also played many games there. After some time I saw a very big teddy bear near a stall and I wanted it. So we went there. But to get it we had to play a game, I didn't know it was a Pepero kissing game. I got shy and said, "umm let's not play this."

 Tae stopped me and said you want it, it's fine so come on. He dragged me and well we started playing. I was super nervous. So Tae began eating the other end of the chocolate stick while I was still since I was shy. But when I saw other teams winning I got fired up and started eating too.  I and Tae got very close, our lips were only a cm away from touching. 

Taehyung looked passionately in my eyes. Then, he looked at my lips. He was looking so hot. I wanted to kiss him. But then the announcer came and announced we won. Dang, I missed a chance to kiss him. Wait why am I thinking this.?
Then we went to the hotel. It was pretty late and night but I still couldn't sleep. Whenever I tried to close my eyes Tae's face would come in front of me. I got very shy and thought why am I thinking this?

Being with Tae is well I don't know how to describe it. He is so warm and gentle. Whenever I'm sad he is always there for me. The way he comforts me is indescribable. I don't know why but thinking about him makes my heart skip a beat. During this vacation, I feel that all my worries have been wiped away. Tae, I'm eternally grateful to you. Thank you. 

After I returned, a lot of my pressure is decreased and I'm feeling good now. Then, we had to go on a school field trip. As I was with Jennie, Jisoo, and  Lisa in a group so we were together, but on the way, the most unexpected thing happened......

Author's Note: Thank you everyone for 1K reads and 100 votes. I'm really grateful. I didn't expect to get 1K reads. Thanks A lot.

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