S2 Ch 35: Melting the cold CEO's heart

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Author's Note: Since many people were requesting romance, I'll start adding some.

Rosé's Pov

So today I'll give an interview to be Tae's secretary. I hope I pass. 

I went to Tae's company and saw a familiar figure it was Jisoo Unnie. I went to her and said, "Long time no see." She just ignored me and walked past me. 

It hurts to be ignored by someone you love. I don't know what to do. I wish I could go back in time and tell them about everything. *Sigh* well now is not the time to be sad. I went for the interview. The interview was quite easy and I got selected. 

The next day

I got ready for the first day of my job as Tae's secretary. I reached his office earlier than him. When he came he was shocked to see me. He said, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm your new secretary Mr. Taehyung," I said. Tae pinned me to the wall and said, "Why are you here and what is your motive?"

I brought Tae closer to me by pulling his tie and whispered in his ear, "My dear future hubby, my motive is pretty simple. I am going to seduce you." 

He pushed me away and said," Whatever, do this paperwork and finish it by today."

"Sure boss," I said. He gave me paperwork for a whole month. Damn, he really hates me but I'll be the one to melt this cold CEO's heart.

I finished my paperwork within an hour and went to Tae. He gave me more work. It was 2 am and I was still in the office doing my work when someone came behind me and said, "You can go home now," It was Tae. "Sir so you finally pitied me. By the way sir you know how dangerous it is for a girl to go alone at night and even this late so umm." I said. "Fine I'll drop you home," he said.

Yes, I made him agree. Now, little by little I'll win his heart. 

When we were sitting in the car, Tae came close to me. I thought he was gonna kiss me so I closed my eyes but he was just helping me to put on my seatbelt. 

"Huh you thought I was gonna kiss you," He said while smirking. Damn, why did I do that agh? I'm so embarrassed. 

"Well if you won't kiss me then I will kiss you," I said. I went to his seat and gave him a little peck on his lips. 

"Well you don't even know how to kiss properly," he said while making fun of me. Damn this guy. I'm so pissed.

"Why don't you teach me then if you claim yourself to be a good kisser," I said. 

"As you say, Babe," he said. He came to me and his lips crashed on my mine. We shared a long kiss full of our feelings.

"Now that's what you call a kiss," he said while licking his lips. I started blushing, this guy how did he get so good at flirting.

My house came and he dropped me.

Tae's Pov

She tasted even better than before. Her lips were as sweet as honey. Why did I act like that? Tsk Seems like I'm getting drawn to her but who wouldn't. She is so addictive, once you get a taste of her you would want more. 

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