S2 Ch 55: If It Is You...The End

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Rosé's Pov

As the doctor said this I fell on my knees, How could this happen, Tears began falling.

Suddenly I coughed some blood and fell unconscious. 

After a month.....

Tae still hasn't woken up, Luckily, he survived but now he is in a coma. I visit him every day and today as well I'm here to visit him...

I entered the room and sat beside Tae's bed. I held his and tears began falling.

"Taehyung didn't you say you would be with me forever so why? Why did you leave me? I was a fool to tell you that I don't love you, I still do love you and had loved you for these 10 years.... So much time has gone and we both went through so many troubles... I- I just want you to wake up. Please I beg you I'd do anything..anything, Just wake up Taehyung," I said and couldn't stop crying.

"I never knew you loved me this much," he said. 

"Ta-taehyung you woke up," I said and hugged him.

"Rosie, please be with me I will never leave you again," he said. "Taehyung I know and I'm sorry because of me you went through all this and I-I please forgive me," I said

"Roseanne it's fine besides you also took many risks for me, so we are equal, Umm.. so now will you marry me?" he said.

"Uhm Of course Taehyung, Of course," I said and kissed him. "Ok I'll call the doctor now," I said.

"Wait," he said and pulled me back and kissed me again. "Please stay," he said.

"Tae, we will do this later first get well," I said. "Ugh fine," he said. I went to the doctor and told him Tae woke up. The doctor said that it was the power of love by which he could wake up cuz no one has ever woken up after how severe their accident was like Tae's.

After a month...

"Roseanne why are you nervous... It's not the first time right," I said to myself. Aghh why am I so nervous!!

"Oh seems like the bride-to-be is really nervous," said Jennie. "Never thought the mafia queen would be this nervous," said Lisa.

"Yah don't tease me," I said. "Ok ok," they said.

After this, I entered the wedding hall with my parents. I saw Tae he was looking so handsome, I can't wait anymore.

"Kim Taehyung, do you take Roseanne Park as your lawfully wedded wife and to love her forever whether in poverty or sickness,"

I do, he replied.

"Roseanne Park, do you take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband and to love him forever whether in poverty or sickness,"

I do, I replied.

"Now the groom may kiss the bride," the priest said.

We both shared a passionate kiss forgetting our surroundings, Taehyung made the kiss deeper but before anything else happens I pushed him so we can continue tonight.

"Today I married Kim Taehyung, To tell you all the truth this wasn't an easy journey, I had many problems, I received many threats and so much more, I and Tae broke up many times but we got back together, I'm really thankful to him for accepting me for who I am, he is the man of my dreams and I'll love him forever," I said.

"Thank you Roseanne for marrying me. To be honest, I love you a lot and I know you do too. We both risked our lives for each other and suffered a lot. Today is the day we will put end to this suffering and pain, Today we became one and will always remain as one," he said.

The crowd began shouting, "KISS, KISS,"

We both shared another kiss and everyone was saying that we were the perfect couple tho I can't deny this.

5 years later...

"KIM YERI!! Stop running around," I shouted.

"Dad, mommy is shouting at me," she said. "Taehyung, don't you dare take her side," I said while glaring at him.

"My dear wife I'll always take your side only," he said and gave me a peck on my lips.

"Daddy it's not the time for PDA, you both are too much," she said and went.

"She is just like you Rosie," he said. "Yeah yeah," I said.

"Tae so much has happened we even have a daughter now, I'm really happy that we both got married and everything went well, I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he said and picked me up and put me on the kitchen counter, and started kissing me.

"Tae someone can come," I said. "Don't worry no one will," he said while smirking.

The sweet voice of Rosie moaning surrounded the kitchen, then Tae picked me up and took me to the room

"Taehyung no way you are doing it again," I said. "Babe Today I am really active so please bear with it," he said and then crashed his lips on mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Our tongues tangled together and his body heat was reaching mine. 

They both had a hot and steamy make-out session.....

"Taehyung, Saranghae," I said. 

"Roseanne, I love you too," he said and I slept in his arms.

Author's Note: Yayy!!! Finally! my first story is finished. So firstly, I'm really thankful to all my loyal readers who read my story and voted. I am super happy that it went well. Hope you all liked it. And in the near future, I'll surely write many more stories so stay tuned!! Another new FF coming soon!!! Thank you again to everyone who read this story. I'm eternally grateful. Thank You All for supporting me!! And Please look forward to the new FF.

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