S2 Ch 42: It really is you...

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Rosé's Pov

"Are you by any chance Kim Ha Yoon?" I asked.

"How do you know me?" she said. "So you really are her, you are alive," I said. 

"I'm sorry I don't understand it?" she said while being confused. 

"Oh I'll officially introduce myself, I'm Roseanne Park and I'm your son Kim Taehyung's girlfriend," I said.

"Wait, Kim Taehyung, my son...," she said. "Aunty, if you don't mind can I take you back, Uncle regretted his decision a lot and he is suffering from a lot of anguish," I said.

"Sorry, but it's better if I don't go besides he has already married someone else," she said.

"So, will you go with me if he divorces her," I asked. "Little girl, I also love him but I can't bear it if he is with another woman, If he plans to divorce her I would happily go back to him," she said.

"Then Aunty I'll make him divorce that Slutty woman and get you," I said.

"Hmm You sure are interesting No wonder my son likes you, Now why don't we make it more interesting If you succeed then the dark seal will be yours, what do you say deal?" she said.

"Sure, it's a deal," I said and went back.

I went back to my home and immediately booked a flight. My flight is tomorrow so I packed my stuff and got ready.

After reaching.....

"Taehyung, I'm back," I said as soon as I reached home.

"Rosie," he shouted and came running to me and hugged me.

"Tae you are suffocating me," I said. "Oh sorry, it's just I'm super happy that you are back," he said excitedly.

"Sweetie I only went for a week yet you miss me so much, what should I do with you," I said.

"Well of course I'll miss you, Hmm if you want you can give me a kiss," he said. "Oh sure," I said and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Yah this is not a proper kiss," he said.

"Sorry babe I gotta go and unpack we will discuss later," I said and went to my room.

Tae came also and said, "Rosie, my father said that he wants us to live with him so you can get used to our family for the future," 

"Oh it's a great idea let's go, we can move in today," I said.

"Why are you so excited," he said. "I just wanna get to know more about your family, Please Tae can we go today," I said.

"*sigh* Ok fine as you say," he said. "yay you are the best Tae," I said and hugged him.

Sorry, Taehyung I can't tell you yet. The reason I'm moving there is that I want your father to divorce that woman.

We have moved into Tae's father's house. Life here is good except for the evil pair of Tae's stepmother and her daughter. 

The first day...

"Taehyung I'm going to make breakfast," I said. "Rosie there are servants here, just spend some time with me," he said.

"Tae I would love to, but gotta go," I said and went. In the upstairs hallway, I met Tae's stepsister.

"Huh you are a bitch, just cuz you are beautiful Taehyung was enchanted by you," she said.

I just ignored her and continued walking, "Are you listening to me," she said.

"Oh I'm sorry I don't listen to barking dogs," I said.

"You how dare you call me a dog," she shouted and pushed me down the stairs. The fun thing was that I wanted to do this.

I fell down and my ankle twisted. Tae's father was downstairs he saw what happened and helped me.

"How can my daughter be so uncultured," he shouted. Tae's stepmother came out.

"How did you teach this girl?" Tae's father shouted at Tae's stepmother. He punished her to be confined in her room for a day and for Tae's stepsister all her credit cards were frozen and she was grounded for a month.

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