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this story is gonna be lowercase intended now!

"do you regret it?"

"what?" i asked, astonished.

"do you regret it? telling her everything, spending the day with her?"

"i mean yeah, but... not the bad kind of regret. the kind of regret you feel when you know you'll never feel the way you did the first time. and it sucks. it really sucks, niki. i just want to see her again. now that's something i regret. the way i left. if i could take it back, thought about it more, i would've chosen to be late then leave like i did."

"what do you mean leave like you did?

i sighed, remembering earlier that morning.

"well, i left rather quickly. i was in a rush to get back to the motel so i'd make it to the train in time. i didn't say goodbye, i didn't leave a note, nothing. and i regret with every bone in my body. i genuinely enjoyed our time together yesterday."

"look wil, life will never be fair for anyone. you know that more than anyone else. you're gonna meet so many incredible people throughout the years. some you'll keep forever, but some aren't meant for that. you will meet new people, just like her, and sometimes you just need to let go. i can sense in your voice that you genuinely grew some type of relation with her. i recommend taking a break. it'll help sort things out and you can think about it."

"yeah i know but something just tells me we weren't just meant for a one time thing, but i suppose you're right. i'll probably take a break for a week or two and go somewhere. i have to get out of London for a while, but thank you niki. i really appreciate it."

"anytime wil"

and with that he hung up. leaning back in his chair, staring at the ceiling for a while. he would be taking a break but where would he go. he didn't quite know yet but figured he would decided the morning he left, which was hopefully tomorrow.

and here it was. the next morning. i woke up to the sun in my eyes. i didn't sleep much. in all honesty i never slept much but this time i had another reason. her. she was stuck in my mind. oh how i missed our time together.

within the next few minutes, he'd decided on going to visit niki in germany. however, he was catching a train to alfriston in a few hours. he had to see her before he left.

wilbur now had a duffel bag full of clothes and necessities; charger, earbuds, toothbrush, you get the point. this break was long overdue, but he never really had the courage to take a break, that is until now. times were especially tough now. his thoughts seemed to get the best of him nowadays.

he was on the train now, rapidly tapping his foot on the ground. he honestly didn't know why he made the decision to come here it was just the heat of the moment. that didn't matter though, he was on the train and he would go see her.

the train came to a halt and he quickly got off, bag in hand. he started walking to the outside, the small town bringing him a sense of comfort. when he finally arrived outside her apartment, he began to have second thoughts.

i need to know one thing. i need to know one thing, one thing. did she feel the same after our day together? what would i even say. "oh hey wilbur, what are you doing at my apartment? i never expected to see you here again after the way you left!" and i'd just say "well, funny you should ask that, uhm. i've- i've come on- i've come on tough times. yeah no that's stupid. she's obviously gonna be mad at me.

and that was enough for him to turn around, and possibly come back after his break. the next train would've be for another hour or so, so he went to a cafe and spent the rest of the hour at the park he sat in with vienna.

author's note:

hey, hi it's been like a week. i'll probably update about once a week since school started again and that usually take a up a lot of my time. hope you enjoyed this chapter! i will be including argbur quotes in this story for anyone that would actually know them lol. besides that have a good night/afternoon/morning :))

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