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Vienna was absolutely taken back at at the tall man that stood in front of her, doing the same slight turn as her. When they noticed, they chuckled and fully turned, facing each other.

He practically hovered over her 5'4 self. "I'm so sorry about that, it was an accident" he said, snapping her out of he gaze.

She had been analyzing every feature of his. From his honey brown eyes and fluffy hair, to his beautiful smile and perfect nose.

"Oh no, I'm sorry i should've been looking out." She nervously chuckled, looking down so he couldn't see her burning cheeks. She was quite embarrassed to say the least.

"Well, no worries. It happens to the best of us." They locked eyes for a second, until someone else had bumped into her, causing her to lose her balance. He caught her just before she was able to hit the floor.

Vienna quickly got up, suddenly feeling insecure. "Thank you," she said "but i should really get going now." She left before he could say another word.

What is wrong with you?
I should really get going now?

She's been bugging herself about it the rest of the walk to the cafe. When she arrived she took out her earphones, placing them in her pocket. She stood in line and, when it was her turn, orders a latte. The inside was full, so she decided to pick a seat on the patio.

~ time skip ~

After finishing her latte, she got up and walked home. It was a bit colder now, so she decided to change into a black long sleeve and a bomber jacket filled with patches. She's been collecting patches of places she's been and placing them on this jacket since sixth form.

It was only 8:30 am by now. She finally decided to go to the library and find a new book to gush over. Upon her arrival, her best friend, Arabella, called her. She answered and was instantly greeted with a loud


"Good morning to you"

"Oh sorry, good morning V."

She chuckled,

"Did you need something Arabella?"

"No just wanted to check on my bestfriend"

"Well I'm at the library right now if you wan-"


Vienna groaned. Arabella was never the reading type, even since grade school. She was more into watching people stream and going out to the city.

"Why don't we hang out today?"

"At the library?"

"No silly, let's go to the city"

"Yeah i don't think so, not today"

"C'mon you never come with meee"

"And i don't plan to today"

"Fine suit yourself then"

"Bye Arabella"

"Bye Vienna"

They both chuckled before ending the call. She's been roaming the isles for something that caught her eye. She wandered into the poetry aisle, scanning the different shelves.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes on her. She looked up, only to lock eyes with him from the other side of the aisle. The same guy from earlier that day.

She nervously looked down, noticing that he began to walk away. As she continued to scan the shelf, she felt someone tap her shoulder. She quickly turned around.

"Woah woah calm down" he chuckled

Nervously she said "Oh sorry I didn't know who it was"

"No need to apologize"

She suddenly felt less tense. A sense of comfort overcoming her as a smile grew on his face.

"So how is it that we've bumped into each other twice already?

"Happens to the best of us"

She watched a small smile form on his lips again.

"You don't know me do you?

"No i don't think i do, should I?"

"Only if you want to" he said smiling.

She was taken back. Should she know him? Why would he ask such an odd question?

Vienna looked down and played with her bracelet, as she often did when she was nervous.

He scratched the back of his neck nervously

"I'm sorry was that too much?"

Almost suddenly she said

"No, no! Sorry bout that, i'm Vienna, friends call me V."

"Nice to meet you Vienna, I'm Wilbur."

"So are you from around, i've never seen you here before?"


authors note:
it's 3 am and i can't sleep so i wrote another chapter

𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 - wilbursoot Where stories live. Discover now