𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝗼

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after a while they had both fallen to the ground. a mixture of weakness, cold, and anxiety overcoming vienna's body. arabella held her, allowing her to cry until she was calm enough to talk.

in all honesty, arabella was scared. she hasn't seen vienna liked this since they moved in together. things were always bad at home, but she was glad vienna was able to walk out of it.

another half hour passed before vienna's sniffles and tears slowed. arabella pulled away slightly, looking at vienna's face. she places both hands on either cheek, wiping the tears away with her thumbs.

arabella didn't say anything, just like any other time this happened. she knew vienna hated when people asked her why she was sad or upset or crying, basically anything with the same concept.

it made her feel forced to express how she felt. vienna opened up when she felt comfortable and safe, as well as trusting toward the person.

when she was finally able to catch a breath, she took a moment to think. her words were hesitant and slow, but they were true nonetheless. she was tired of the lies. lying to the one person whi was always there and never left, even when she saw the bad side of vienna. it just didn't feel right to lie any longer.

she told her everything. it took some time, arabella getting vienna water at some point, but she was finally able to let it out. most of it being the past, things arabella has heard before. some of it was new, kind of, wilbur and her recent increase in anxious behavior.

arabella was silent while she took everything in. before she could come to a conclusion, vienna spoke up again. "i'm sorry i didn't tell you about wilbur. you probably had an idea that we already met before anyways. i don't want tjst to affect your friendship with him tho. i promise i won't get upset or anything, i'm not like that."

"oh yeah i've known all along. wilbur tried lying but it was so obvious, and after that day at the pier and how you guys acted together it was confirmed."

the next thirty minutes or so was spent still on the floor. arabella trying her best to comfort vienna while she got her strength back.

once she felt better, arabella helped vienna to her room. she went back to bring her soup since she'd been out all day with almost nothing in her system.

just as arabella was about to leave, vienna stopped her. "could you sleep here tonight? i could really use some comfort." ofc course arabella stayed. they spent a while longer talking.

"i think if you really care for him, then you should give him chance. i'm sure he'd understand if you just told him how you felt. not now, but when you're ready to. i'll always be here after, too." vienna could only nod to arabella's statement. it was true, and she knew that much. it was just a matter of time.

author's note
i'll try to update more tmrw or tonight! depending on how i feel tho!
also this is not proofread but more history of arabella and vienna's friendship in the near future :p

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