𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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vienna woke up to the blinding light of the sun. she turned over, being met with a sleeping wilbur. except he wasn't sleeping, at least not anymore. his eyes were closed, but a small smile had been plastered on his face now.

"good morning," his voice was deep and raspy.

she returned the smile, her voice low, "good morning."

after a night of comfortably talking about passions and music, wilbur agreed to stay the night with vienna. she rolled over to the other side again, suddenly feeling awake.

"wanna spend the day together?" she was now in the bathroom brushing her teeth.

wilbur lay on his back, smiling at her question, "that's all i want actually. do i have time to go home and change?"

vienna exited the bathroom, walking over to her closet and grabbing some clothes from the back left corner. "don't be silly. here, it was ollie's and you guys were both oddly tall. i'll go get you a spare toothbrush."

twenty minutes later they were both standing outside. what they were going to do today hadn't been discussed, or even thought about. that was until wilbur perked up. "i've got an idea, follow me."

she asked him so many times where they were going, but he never told her. it was a surprise, something she usually hated, but it was different with wilbur.

after taking the bus to brighton, wilbur led vienna to a station. another hour and a half they were in none other than alfriston. when vienna realized, the biggest smile formed on her face.

their entire day was spent just like the day they met. getting breakfast at the cafe vienna was at after running into him, going to the library that they ran into each other again, and the rest of the night was spent at the park, where wilbur talked about his careers and hopes for the future. it was more than she could've asked for.

they finally arrived back home, both standing in front of the door facing each other. "thank you, wilbur. i had a lot of fun today."

"as did i. thank you for spending the day with me."

they hugged for a while before parting ways. the biggest smile on both of their faces.

author's note
thank you for 32k reads, 1.3k votes, and 100 followers! means so much and i love you guys /p
also thank you for all the nice comments you guys are the best <3
sorry for the short chapter, more soon!

𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 - wilbursoot Where stories live. Discover now