𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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tw // suicide, manipulation, drinking
as always, there will be * used where the trigger is written!

wilbur was always someone vienna knew she could trust. she's known that since the day they met. which is why they were currently standing side by side at the pier. it was well past midnight and vienna felt like she would suffer from hypothermia at any moment.

but before we get into what they're doing, let's recall how they got here in the first place.

~ earlier that day ~

vienna woke up to arabella's yelling. she was streaming her first ever subathon, today being her third and final day of it. she groggily got out of bed and put on some comfortable clothes before walking out of her room.

she entered the kitchen, scanning the counters for anything she could eat. unfortunately, she was unsuccessful. debating on going out or cooking at home, she chose home. as bad as she was at cooking, she could make some pretty good toast, bacon, and coffee.

and that's exactly what she did, making some for arabella as well.
she then made her way to the sofa. by the time she was done watching her show, the sky had fallen dark. she facepalmed before making her way to arabella's bedroom door. her stream was now over and it was safe to say she'd be sleeping for a while.

vienna walked into her own room, tossing her phone on the bed. she was finishing up her nightly routine when she heard the vibrations of her phone. she answered the call once comfortably in bed, not bothering to check who it was.

"hello?" she answered. it was quiet for a moment and she almost hung up, but the next words pained her heart.

*"vienna? is that really you?" the words were slurred, but she could tell it was her mom. the same woman that had caused her so many years of pain. the reason she left france in the first place.

"mother? are you drinking? and how are you even calling me right now, i've blocked your number?" she was starting to panic.

"so what if i am? it's not news to you. i've got a new number now so i decided to give my daughter a call. it's been years after all." her emphasis on daughter cause vienna blood to boil.

"don't call me that. i'm not your daughter, not after everything i've been through because of you. not after what you did to ollie." her knuckles were turning white at how hard she was clenching her fist.

her mother only scoffed. "please, you can't seriously blame me for something that was entirely his fault. as much as you want to shift the blame onto your father and i, you can't. you know this. it was his fault, not ours."

"that's where you're wrong. you're so blinded by the thoight that you're so perfect and can't do anything wrong that you can't even fathom the events you put him through. he committed suicide, mother. you drove him so far off the edge that he resulted to what he thought was the only way you left for him. just accept it. you gave him so much shit about what he was doing with his life. you knew he was already suffering and you chose to make it worse. so yes, i'll continue to blame you for taking away the one person who cared about me back home."

"don't talk to me in that tone. you can blame us as much as you want but you weren't the only one affected by his choice. you left your poor father and i in this house all alone. you were supposed to take care of us. now, we'll die old and alone with the burden of our own daughter hating us on our shoulders."

vienna only scoffed. her mother had played this game so many times before she left. she wasn't having it this time, though. not today or ever.

"see! you can't even come to terms with what ollie did. he committed suicide. just say that, there wasn't a 'choice' in his eyes. you're the reason he's gone. you're the reason i saw my own brother's lifeless body on the ground. you're the reason i left you and you'll be the reason you and dad die with that burden. goodbye, mum. don't try calling this number again." she hung up, blocking the number and placing her phone on the comforter beside her.*

not even seconds later her face was covered in tears. her hands running through her hair, stopping at the top and pulling as hard as she could. she was so angry.

she got out of her bed, pacing back and forth in her room. after a while she stopped. vienna leaned her head against the wall, silently sobbing. she banged her fist against the wall. then again, and again, and again. her knuckles were red and covered in cuts and blood.

making her way back to her bed, she picked up her phone. dialing the only number she could think of at the moment. she received this number the morning after that day in brighton, arabella saying something about "if you ever need someone and i'm not here, trust me, he's your next best option."

her hand was shaking as she held the phone up to her ear, listening to the rings and silently hoping he'd pick up.

wilbur was woken up by the sound of someone calling his phone. he reached over to his night stand, answering the phone without checking who called.

"hello?" his voice was deep and tired. this made vienna all the more nervous. she didn't speak for a few seconds, the lump in her throat preventing her from doing so.

she swallowed hard. "wil?" her voice was soft and shaky. wilbur sat up when he heard her voice through the phone. "vienna?"

"um yeah, it's me. sorry if i woke you but i really need someone right now. could you meet me?" she cursed under her breathe after checking the time. only a mad man would go out at this time of night.

"yeah, yeah. where do i need to go?" he was out of bed now, grabbing a sweater from his floor and throwing it over his head.

"the pier. i'll be there soon." she hung up and made her way to her car. once arriving, she walked a while on the pier before stopping. leaning against the rails and watching as the moon reflected onto the deep blue water.

wilbur hurriedly exited his car, heading over to the figure on the pier. once reaching her, he joined in leaning on the rails. neither of them spoke a word, both admiring the beauty and silence of the night.

author's note
uh oh ?
new user and theme btw :p

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