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~ vienna's pov ~

As we walked out of the library and onto the steps, I couldn't help but get nervous. After all, I just met him today.

what a beautiful name...

We looked at each other wondering what we'd do.

"Well you live here so do you know any fun places?"

I lived here but I hardly ever left my apartment. I was more of a homebody. Just me and my books.

"Hmmm... we could watch a movie or go to the park?"

"Why not both?"

Did he really plan to spend his whole day with me...?

"Alright let's go to the park first."

"Sounds good to me"

~ time skip ~

It was nearly 6 pm when Vienna checked her phone again. Her lockscreen filled with messages from Arabella, that she didn't bother to check. She was enjoying her time with Wilbur.

They'd been talking about their childhoods, school days, family, and careers. She told him about the story of her bomber jacket, one she didn't tell very often, but mostly because no one ever asked.

He said he wanted to be a famous content creator and music artist. She found that endearing, and told him about wanting to pursue a career in writing. He smiled at her response.

It had seemed like only a few minutes passed by and he knew all about her life, and her about his. They even walked around town a little and stopped at a McDonalds to eat. Who could wrong with McDonalds? When she finally checked the time she said

"Oh god it's already 6??"

"Are you joking right now..?"

"No" she laughed "We've been here for six hours"

"I guess time flies when you're having fun. Do you still want to watch a movie?"

Honestly, she was feeling a little tired but enjoyed her time with Wilbur and didn't want it to end just yet.

"Do you want to watch one at my apartment."

"If that's what you want it, it's fine with me."

She smiled and walked off, Wilbur following right behind her. On the walk back to her apartment they talked some more. When they finally arrived, she unlocked the door and allowed him in.

They made their way to her "living room" space. She sat on the couch and invited him to sit next to her. After a while they decided to watch Remember Me. (highly recommend)

~ wilbur's pov ~

I woke up the next morning. The tv still on but not playing anything. I looked to my left and surely enough we had fallen asleep during the movie.

It had been a long day. I looked at Vienna fast asleep on my shoulder, letting out a small smile. I checked my phone and my eyes widened. It was almost 8 in the morning.

I hurriedly got up, making sure not to wake Vienna up, and as I walked out of the door I felt a sense of guilt. Leaving so suddenly after the day we had spent together. I practically sped walked back to the motel I checked in the day before.

My train for London was leaving in about an hour and I still needed to pack my things. It wasn't much to be honest but the drive to the station would take longer.

When I finally finished, I called a taxi and made my way to the station. A few minutes after arriving, the train rolled in. I got on and placed my earphones in, playing don't worry, you will by lovelytheband. All I could think about was the day before. How amazing it has been. Sighing, I mumbled to myself what a day.

authors note:
haha currently 2 am and i'm planning on continuing to write this tonight. anyways... i think this is the longest chapter so far, so hope you enjoyed!

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