𝐟𝗼𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝗼

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the day vienna kissed me and left me was one i couldn't forget, no matter how hard i tried. i remember the exhilaration i felt the moment our lips collided, only for it to be halted by the words that followed.

i was absolutely devastated. what could one do in a situation like this? in a situation where the one person you loved had done something so cruel and vile.

maybe, just maybe, those weren't her intentions from the start. since the day wilbur met her, she was one of the most kind-hearted people he'd met.

part of him was angry, but the other understood. she couldn't love me til she loved herself. he repeated those words practically every second of the day. he made sure to understand where she was coming from.

all that comes with a price. he hadn't streamed in almost two weeks. he isolated himself from everyone he knew. excluding niki, who he texted the moment he got home that night.



go ahead!

vienna kissed me then left me in
the dirt

that it?

i don't know how to feel. i understand
why she left me after, but it still hurts.
she said she couldn't love me til she
loved herself. i can understand that,
but she made it seem like we'd never
get this opportunity again. the chance
to start over. i'd wait for her as long as
she needed me to but i don't think she
quite understands that. understands
that she's what's best for me

sometimes what's best isn't
what you want

but i do want her. i love
her niki. i think i have since
the day we met at the park.

then tell her that wil!
if you truly do love her then
go for it. maybe the outcome
will be what you desire :)

thanks niki. you're the best :)


and that was it. that was the last time he ever texted anyone. day after day was spent in bed, mindlessly scrolling through tik tok and switching from app to app. it was a sad sight to anyone but him.

he had gotten up once or twice when tommy would message him to "come talk to him." wilbur could never resist tommy.

he always meant well, and he didn't ask why he'd been gone. he didn't pry or try bringing it up. he was just there to help wilbur. to make sure he was alright, healthy, and getting better.

maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. only time would tell.

author's note
sorry for the inactiveness. been dealing with a lot of writers block and lack of motivation. new chapter in less than an hour! also sorry this is short but i'm trying rn :)

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