𝐟𝗼𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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i honestly didn't know what to think when i saw her post. it was the first time i saw her face in two weeks and god was she beautiful.

i wasn't sure if seeing her made me ecstatic or upset, or maybe both.

i wanted to be able to see her and talk to her about anything. whatever crossed our minds at the moment. it's all i wanted.

but most of all, i wanted closure. would she give me a chance once she was ready, or would everything simply diminish?

i reluctantly got out of bed once i realized it was noon and hopped in the shower. once out, i got dressed and put a beanie on before grabbing my keys and making my way out the door.

for the first time in a few weeks, i was leaving my place. i decided to go to a cafe for some coffee and breakfast. what cafe? i only had one in mind.

i took the train to alfriston and made my wait to the cafe. the cafe that stood only a few feet from where i met vienna. the cafe that i took vienna to not very long ago. the cafe i wanted to go to because it reminded me of her.

once inside, i order some coffee and a muffin. i don't exactly remember what flavor, but did it really matter? i spent almost two hours sitting comfortably in the booth in the corner of the cafe.

i had just finished my second cup of coffee when i decided to leave. i left a tip for the waiter and made my way out. before i knew it, my legs were already steering me towards the opposite direction of the station.

i was going towards the library. i wasn't completely against the idea because i wanted a new book anyways, but the thought being there kind of made my stomach turn.

i rounded the corner and was met by a sight so vile it made my blood boil. vienna was struggling to walk away from a man that was obviously bothering her. he wasn't just any man tho, he was theo.

author's note
kinda short, sorry! new chapter tonight or tomorrow :)
thank you for 42k reads and 1.7k votes!! i love and appreciate you all <3 /p

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