𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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streaming the q&a with vienna reminded arabella how much she missed spending time with her. that's why she took the day off streaming to hang out with vienna. she had the whole day planned out with activities they'd do.

first things first, she had to get vienna out of bed. she lightly knocked on her door before waking in. "wake up v! cmon let's go!"

she looked over to her clock, reading 8 am. "cmon bella it's so early." arabella was not having any of it. "i know, i know. it's just that i'm taking today off streaming to hang out with you. i know you don't work today so i've planned out things that we could do together."

now vienna was intrigued. "what kind of things?" slowly getting out of bed and heading to her bathroom.

"that's a surprise. you'll just have to trust me." arabella's smile growing wider.

vienna peeked her head out of the bathroom. she was midway through brushing her teeth. "what do i have to wear?"

"well you'll need a swim suit for starters. one thing we're doing is going to the beach. other than that i'd say just wear something comfortable and warm." that's all she said before walking out, leaving vienna blank and curious.

once ready, vienna made her way to the kitchen where arabella was waiting. she stood up and they both walked out the door and toward arabella's car. the trunk was packed with food, towels, and a blanket.

after about 7 minutes, they arrived at their first destination of the day. a cafe in brighton, close to the pier. it had only opened about thirty minutes ago. they eagerly got out and started heading toward the building.

they were waiting in line, arabella looking around the left side of the store while vienna did the same with the right. she was caught by surprise when she saw wilbur heading toward the exit of the rather small cafe.

he glanced her way, then fully turner to look at her. they stared at each other for a second before he took a step toward her. he really wanted to talk to her, especially after recent events.

however, he stopped when vienna started to vigorously shake her head no, then pointing at arabella beside her. he simply nodded before turning the other way and leaving the cafe.

arabella turned to her, "what's wrong? you look like you've just seen a ghost." vienna cleared her throat and straightened her posture. "oh, nothing just kind of tired that's all." arabella gave her a suspicious look before carrying on with a different conversation.

it was now around 10:30 and they were well on their way to the pier. vienna hasn't once stopped thinking about wilbur. he was there. a mere five feet away from her. she mentally cursed herself for not saying anything, but she didn't arabella to know that he was the guy she met. he was a new friend of hers after all, and what she wouldn't let whatever she had with wilbur ruin that.

wilbur was leaning on the pier's rails, staring at different things around him. the waves crashing in the sand, the horizon, the families arriving, the kids chasing each other. he sighed remembering when he used to be that way with his family, vienna thinking the same as her and arabella walked along the pier.

his mind had wandered off, until he was met with a familiar voice. he turner to see who it was, lo and behold there she was. arabella standing in front of him, vienna a few steps away.

"wilbur! i didn't expected to see you here, or meet this early, but you seemed so familiar from afar." they both leaned in for a hug. "ah yes hi bella! it's nice to see you in person." he looked down at her. "you're a lot shorter than i expected."

they only laughed, including vienna. wilbur looked over at her. "oh! how could i forget. wilbur, this is vienna. my roommate and best friend."

"hello vienna. it's nice to meet you." he extended his hand for her to shake. she hesitantly accepted, not wanting to let go. "um it's nice to meet you too, wilbur."

they fell into a comfortable silence. not letting go of each other's hands. to arabella, it wasn't comfortable. it was awkward.

"umm, well it was nice meeting you wilbur, but we should get going now. see you when i see you!" she grabbed vienna's hand and dragged her back to the middle of the pier.

they spent the next five hours at the pier. swimming, eating their lunch, and just conversing. they were both having lots of fun. it was some much needed time between them.

the rest of the day was spent going to stores. arabella buying some clothes and decorations for her room, vienna buying plants and books. going out for dinner around 7 and going straight home after a few hours there. she was exhausted from the day's activities, sparing no time to think about today's events with wilbur before falling asleep.

author's note

𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 - wilbursoot Where stories live. Discover now