𝐟𝗼𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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as i walked over to them, he grabbed her arm. i saw her wasp wince and a frown immediately took over my face. his grip didn't lessen and her struggle to be released didn't fumble.

when i arrived, i took hold of theo's wrist and squeezed it to let him know it was time to let go. vienna's shoulders dropped in relief when he did and i could see the fear behind her eyes when looking at him.

theo's eyes were cold and sharp for a second. then he realized who i was and immediately perked up. "wil! how are you? it's been a few years, i reckon?" i wanted to wipe that stupid facade he had put on but i restrained myself from so.

"yeah, it's been a while. kind of wish it stayed that way." i let out a small chuckle. something squeezed my hand and that's when i realized mine had subconsciously grabbed onto vienna's not long ago.

"oh come on, don't be that way! we had our fun." it wasn't fun. it was the complete opposite, actually.

"yeah, yeah. listen, we've gotta get going. i hate to ruin this little reunion seeming thing but we'll be late." i pulled vienna away before theo could even breathe.

once we reached the library, in complete silence may i add, i stopped. our hands were still together and she didn't bother looking up at me.

"forget what happened for just this moment, please. i need to know if you're alright?" i was staring at the top of her head and squeezed her hands to urge her to answer.

she lifted her head a few seconds later, but not to look up at me. instead, she settled on just my chest. it was right in sight of where she stood compared to me.

her hand squeezed mine gently, "yeah i'm alright. you know him?"

i let out a breathy laugh, a mixture of my sigh of relief and laugh at her question. "hardly. he was an old school mate of mine. stopped hanging around years ago, tho. haven't heard from him since. what about you? seems like you knew him, or at least he knew you."

she let out a nervous laugh. "yeah i know him. he was my boyfriend."

i made an o with my mouth. i didn't have a clue what to say. small world, isn't it?

"what happened? if you don't mind me asking." i was obviously curious as of why he of all people was with her. she deserved better, i could tell you that much.

"a year before i met you i broke up with him. we were together for quite a while. i was in a really bad place and he wasn't all that great to me either. it took me almost a year to finally end things off so i could be happy. then i saw him today and he 'just wanted to talk' but i really wasn't having it." she leaned her head forward so it rested on my chest and locked my other hand with hers. "i'm sorry, wil."

author's note
i'll update again later today but not soon cause i just woke up lol. sorry for not updating the last two days i was busy :T

𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 - wilbursoot Where stories live. Discover now