𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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it had been a month since that conversation. a month since wilbur promised to wait for her. a month since vienna promise herself she'd do better. and a month since she allowed herself to heal.

she blocked her mother's number, she wrote her dad a final letter, she moved ollie's things to the back corner of her closet. she cleaned her room, she kept up with hygiene, she consistently went to work, she worked hard on finals, and she was graduating from the university of brighton city campus.

she was proud of herself for her progress. for finishing school with everything weighing her down. for doing better for the man she loved. for allowing herself to move on.

it was a new chapter in her life. one she hoped would only bring the best for her. there she was, sitting in the rows of students as the professor spoke his last words to the graduates.

everyone cheered as his speech came to an end and everyone scurried off to find their families, vienna to find her friends. once she caught sight of arabella and wilbur, she sprinted to wilbur's open arms.

he gave her a tight hug before slightly pulling them apart. "i'm so proud of you." she looked at him, debating her next move. she did it. she kissed him. and in that moment, she felt like everything would be okay with them, like everything was worth it.

from the side, arabella gave them an "oooo" to which they pulled apart and laughed at. she made her way to give arabella a hug. they held a small convo as they waited for the exits to clear up.

wilbur drove them to a pizza place, per vienna's request. after ordering their pizza and retrieving their drinks, they made their way to a booth.

they talked about vienna's plans now that she graduated, wilbur and arabella's streaming, and told old stories. it was a good time overall, but it only got better.

the rest of their day was spent at the pier. they conversed, they walked, they ate, but most important, they loved. they loved every moment they were spending with each other. that itself made vienna the happiest she'd ever been.

around nine pm, they gathered their things and drove home. wilbur got down with them, needing to talk to vienna. her and arabella stopped at the door.

arabella gave her a hug. "i'm so proud of you. i'm sure ollie would be too." she continued her way inside, leaving her and wilbur to talk.

"so, you gonna tell me what that was earlier?"

"mmm what was what?" she quirked an eyebrow.

wilbur laughed lowly, his eyes looking down instead of at her. "i think you know what i'm talking about."

"maybe i do, maybe i don't. maybe i'm just afraid of what you'll say next."

wilbur walked closer to her. "i don't think there's anything to be afraid of. i told you i'd wait, i still am."

"well you can stop waiting."

"any particular reason why?"

she sighed. "because i don't see any reason for you to. i think i'm ready to finally let myself love and give you a chance."

she looked at him and he smiled. "you sure?"

"yeah, i am. i think you've waited long enough. i think i've held back long enough. there's no promise i won't fall back sometimes, but if you're willing to be there for me through it, then i don't see a reason to keep you away."

"i'm willing to be there through it all, vee."

she pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of her jacket and handed it to wilbur. he took it and carefully unfolded it.

i've never met someone
willing to wait like you
i've never met someone
willing to love me like you

i've never met someone
i was willing to work hard for
i've never met someone
i was able to love like you

thank you


vee | viennamar

arabella | bellaskrill

tommyinnit | tommyinnit
what's all this then??

wilbur soot | wilbursoot
wonder what this is about
tommyinnit | tommyinnit
it's about you, you arse
tommyinnit | tommyinnit
wait it's about you... right?
tubbo | tubbolive
kind of awkard if it isn't

tubbo | tubbolive
deffo flerting

awesamdude | theawesamdude

author's note
53k reads?? wtf?? thank you guys sm that kind of
insane :0

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