𝐟𝗼𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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see you at 7?

yup! i'll be off at 4:30 so i
should be ready by then :)

alright sounds good then

where are we going?

that's a surprise

can you at least tell me how
i should dress?

casual i guess
it's nothing fancy :)

you're so vague
my breaks over tho so i'll
message you later, bye!

vienna was nervous and ecstatic for what was to come later on in the day. surprises were never really her thing, but she had her trust in wilbur.

the rest of her shift was spent helping out customers and putting misplaced things back on their shelves. it all went by relatively fast.

arabella was streaming when she got home. however, she left vienna a note on the counter letting her know there was food in the microwave for her.

the next hour and a half was spent eating dinner and watching anything she could find interesting on cable. when she realized it was already 6, she hurriedly turned off the tv and made her way to her bedroom.

it wasn't hard for her to find a casual outfit that she liked, most of her clothes was pretty basic anyway. she quickly changed outfits then did some makeup. by the end, she still had at least ten minutes to spare before wilbur arrived.



viennamar dress casual :p

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viennamar dress casual :p

arabellaskr swoon.
viennamar ;)

nihaachuu you're gorgeous :)
viennamar you're so sweet <3

user if this is the girl wilbur is always with then that's
a waste :/

user are you and will ur dating :o
viennamar nope! just friends :)

user you're literally so ugly
viennamar "following back" aww <3
↳ otheruser get their ass

wilbursoot you look great! i'm outside.
viennamar omw! omw! omw!

author's note
short chapter, but more tmrw :)
thank you for 49k reads!! <3

𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 - wilbursoot Where stories live. Discover now