𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝗼𝐧𝐞

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once she was sure they were in a good place to talk, she stopped. they stared at each other for a while in complete silence. it was a common occurrence when they'd see each other.

vienna cleared her throat. she looked down for a second before looking back at wilbur. "firstly, i wanna say that before i come to a final conclusions on how i feel about this, i want to hear you out and know your side of this. i'm gonna give you a chance to explain with no interruptions, but that means you can't interrupt me until i'm done saying what i need to say, too. okay?"

wilbur took a deep breath, his palms beginning to sweat. "okay."

"thank you. so basically i uh- i discovered your music. the your city gave me asthma album. i listened to it, and don't get me wrong i loved your lyricism and how emotional the songs were, hell i even cried to the album, but that's besides the point. anyways, i couldn't help but focus on a certain song. i'm sure you know what song i'm specifically talking about, but before i go on i need some clarification. was that song really about me?"

wilbur's breath hitched and he avoided eye contact. he only released the song because he thought he'd never see her again. she found it tho, and listened to it, and now she was talking to him about it. there was no point in denying. "yes, yes it was."

"okay. in that case... why would you lie to me? why would you tell me that us meeting would never be known to arabella? she already knows doesn't she? i'm sure she's heard your music before, hell i'm even sure she's messaged you about it. right? that doesn't matter. i'm a private person wilbur. i like to keep things about me and my life to myself. i'm not sure how it is with being a streamer and all that but that's how i prefer to keep my life. i'm not very open about what i've gone through and continue to go through. you being an exception at times. the last thing i want is it being known that i met some popular streamer who fell in love with me? i honestly don't even know how to feel. i've tried my best to push you to the back of my head, to stop thinking i ever met you, but then you just show up again and i suddenly feel like i'm being thrown back into a hole. not only that, but anyone that knows you and me can easily put two and two together. i don't know this is a lot to take in right now. i'm done now."

wilbur was awestruck. his mouth was dry and his hands were clammy. should he lie to her? no, that isn't right. she was the last person he'd want to lie to.

"look, vienna, i know it seems bad but you've got to understand that when i was writing those songs i was in a bad place. i still am in a bad place. that morning i left your flat was the last time i thought i'd ever see you. i mean, honestly, how was i supposed to know i'd meet arabella who just happens to be your roommate? if i knew i'd see you again and that you'd be some sort of public figure, then i wouldn't have released it. i did tho, and i cant take it back now. i don't want to lie to you, so i will let you know that arabella has heard the song and she did reach out to me. i lied. i lied to her about knowing you. i denied that the song was about you and that vienna was just a name i got from the capital of austria. i'm not very open with my supporters, but my music tells a different story. musician me and streamer me are two different people. when i write music, i can be real about things. it's how i express my emotions and what i'm feeling. it's not the same when i'm streaming."

"were you really in love with me then?" it's all she managed to say, everything else lost somewhere in her mind.

"i was, yeah. the day we met was different than any other day i've ever had. you were there for me and in a way i felt like you understood it. maybe i do still love you that way, but it's been a long time."

"oh." vienna felt like she couldn't breathe.

oh? what did she mean oh? why couldn't she say anything else?

before he could collect these thoughts, vienna started walking away, then running. he was confused at first, but followed her anyway. she was slowing down anytime soon, so he stopped. her watched her as she got lost in the crowd of people walking. where could she be going and why was she so desperate to get there?

she didn't stop running. she ran through the streets, passing people and occasionally bumping into them. her nose had grown red from the chilling breeze.

why was she running? why is it that anytime someone shows the slightest bit of care and love toward her, she leaves? why can't she just handle it? why was it so hard to believe people could love her in a way she didn't even love herself?

when she finally stopped, she realized she was back at her apartment in hove. it was darker now, unsure of how long she was running before she got here.

she reached in her pocket to retrieve her keys, the sound of them jingling being heard as she ran. the moment she stepped inside, all she saw was arabella. a worried look painted on her face.

no words were exchanged before vienna wrapped her arms around arabella, her doing the same. before she knew it, tears were streaming down her face, making arabella's shirt a darker shade as they landed there.

would she avoid the questions, or was she tired of the lies?

author's note
new chapter in a few hours? or tmrw?

𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 - wilbursoot Where stories live. Discover now