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vienna woke up around noon today. after staring at her ceiling for about ten minutes she finally sat up. grabbing her phone from where she left it a few hours prior, pulling the earphones out of the drawer and replacing the charger with them.

she opened spotify and made her way to the album again. playing "since i saw vienna" and clearing her mind of all else in order to focus on the lyrics.

"the roads are my home, horizon's my target. if i keep on moving, never lose sight of it. treating my memory of you like a fire, let it burn out, don't fight it and try to move on. it's been sixty weeks since i saw vienna, a bandage and a wide smile slapped across my face."

she smiles at the lyrics. it felt good to know that he, too, shared the same feeling as her the day they met. what shocked her most was that he had written the song about a year after they met. it was a crazy thought, but she admired it nonetheless.

putting the earphones back to their regular place, she clicked on her contacts app. she sat with her finger hovering over the call button on wilbur's contact.

all it took was one click. one simple, little click. but what would the outcome be? it could go both ways, but you're never certain which way it would be. is that a risk worth taking?

just as she was about to turn off her phone, it slipped. wilbur's contact photo becoming larger as she stared at her screen in disbelief.

why am i so stupid?

after two rings, he answered. "hello?"

vienna took a deep breath before putting the phone up to her ear. "wil, hey! can we meet? i have something i want to talk to you about."

"yeah, sure. same place as last time?"

"yeah, i'll be there soon."

she hung up and made her way to her closet, grabbing a large sweater and pulling it over the shirt she slept in. changing into some jeans, she hopped over to her bathroom and brushed her teeth. she didn't care enough to fix her hair and so she left.

once she arrived, she walked over to the same place wilbur met her days ago. part of her wanted to yell at him and just, be mad at him. then again, there was part of her that wanted nothing more than to cry and embrace him.

he had told her story of the jack she held dearest to her, exposing the fact that they had met long ago, and lying to her about keeping things a secret from arabella when it was obvious that she has probably known all along because of the stupid song. except it wasn't stupid, she was just upset.

wilbur appeared next to her in silence. the events of their first time here replaying. neither saying a word, but staring off into the ocean. vienna being the first to speak once again, "i don't think this is the right place to talk about these things, follow me."

he followed her, confused but more nervous. she sounded serious, upset maybe. he wanted to know what she wanted to talk about, but he was also scared of finding out.

author's not
i keep forgetting to mention this but thank you for 25k reads and 1k votes! it means a lot to me that you guys enjoy this story, especially since it's my first time writing one <3

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