𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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tw // mentions of suicide (* used)

something about keeping wilbur a secret from arabella pained vienna. she wanted to tell arabella about wilbur and how she's met him before, but she couldn't risk anything happening to her and wilbur's friendship.

these thoughts overcame her since her time spent with wilbur a few days ago. neither had spoken to each other since. not a text, not a call, nothing. vienna wanted to talk to him, but thought better about it.

maybe if i just avoided him, nothing could go wrong. he can continue being friends with arabella and i could stop worrying about messing it up.

unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. she caved in a few hours ago, stalking his socials, watching his youtube videos, and even tuning into one of his streams late at night.

what she hadn't gotten to yet was his album. your city gave me asthma. it was released only a few months prior, but had tons of positive feedback on how "well written" and "emotion packed" it was.

after deciding she'd watched enough of his youtube videos, she went over to spotify. making her way to the search tab while plugging in her earphones. she typed in the album name and clicked the first thing that came up, scanning through the songs.

Your City Gave Me Asthma

Jubilee Line
Saline Solution
Since I saw Vienna

she read it over and over again. trying to process if what she saw was real or just her mind playing games.

Since I Saw Vienna

Since I Saw Vienna


she quickly scanned throigh the rest of the songs' names.

Losing Face
Your Sister Was Right
La Jolla
I'm Sorry Boris

then returning back to the third one. the one with her name in its title. why. she played the song, letting it flow through her ears. she was scared of what it could reveal, what it had revealed to his fan base of millions.

"the cute bomber jacket you've had since sixth form, adorned with patches of places you've been. it's nothing on my khaki coat that i got from the roadside, when i was sixteen."

she frowned. the story of her jacket was one she never told, one she only told him about, one she trusted him with. she went in depth about its story. how her and ollie loved when the family would travel. back when they were happy and together.

what wilbur didn't know, was that ollie had been dead when she told him that story. she simply made up the lie of him being off at school somewhere in america. it was a truth she wasn't yet ready to share, one she hadn't come to terms with until recently.

she was wrapped around her own thoughts that she didn't even realize when the song ended. she started the playlist from the top, deciding she'd analyze the lyrics more the second time around.

"northern and waterloo and city lines, and national rail services
this train terminates at stanmore." the voice gave her chills, causing her to lay down, comfortably or not.

"there's a reason, that London puts barriers on the tube line. there's a reason they fail." she listened as wilbur's voice slowly faded in the end. tears were forming at the base of her eyes. the last verse and outro reminding her of recent events.

~two days ago~

*she was going to London Bridge, waiting for the jubilee to arrive. the station was cold and quiet, a cough being heard every now and then. everyone looking as miserable as they should on a sunday evening.

"hey! stop! someone stop him!" a mans voice could be heard throughout the station. everyone rapidly scanned the station for who the voice could be directed to. panic raised inside vienna as she heard the jubilee coming.

suicides weren't uncommon around here, so once she heard it coming she only assumed the worst could happen. she finally spotted the man, standing on edge. just as she was about to run toward him, there went the impact.

everything went quiet, the only noise being the train coming in. no more shuffling of feet, no more chatter from people on the phone, absolutely nothing. vienna fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. if only she could have done something.

as always, the unfortunately successful attempt made it into the paper titled, "Passenger Taken Unwell On the Jubilee Line" followed by "London, once again, fails to acknowledge the rise in suicides by jubilee." she sighed as the scene replayed in her head over and over again. *

~ present time ~

she continued on with the album, once again zoning out when her song played. once snapped out, she checked the time, 4 am. ultimately deciding to get some rest, she plugged in her phone to the charger and placed her earphones back in the drawer of her nightstand.

her last thought before drifting off to sleep being that she had to talk to wilbur about the album. that and more.

author's note
sorry for the long note but, i apologize for not updating these past two days! updating multiple 700+ word chapter in two days was draining for me lmao. it was definitely the most i've ever done.

it's currently 4 am so i should have the next chapter up around the time i wake up (if i prewrite anything right now) but if not then sometime way later today.

lastly, i hate to say but this story might be over by the end of the month. i might drag it out just to keep it going because i'm emotionally attached to this story, but no promises :(

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