𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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for the first time in days, they were both content with where they were. they were happy to be with each other.

they weren't sure how long they'd been embracing each other, but the music had stopped playing not long ago. it was fine tho. they didn't want to let go.

if they could stay like this forever, they would. but, neither would admit that to the other. it seemed too soon.

they mutually agreed to let go, both knowing why he was there. wilbur looked down at vienna, faint lines of semi-dried tears gleamed in the light of her room.

he gave her a soft smile, reassuring her that they would be okay. that he was always going to be there no matter how many times she shut him out. no matter how many times she needed a break for herself. he'd always be there.

vienna walked over to her bed, sitting on the edge without a word. wilbur walked over to the table that held her vinyls. he set on AM by arctic monkeys. he carefully switched out the two vinyls, moving the needle to start.

he walked over to vienna, sitting on the arm chair that took over the corner of her. she was looking down at her hands, playing with the bracelet wrapped around her wrist.

he took her hand, playing with her fingers. "that's a nice bracelet. where'd you get it from?"

she slowly raised her hand, meeting his gaze. "it was my brothers. he used to wear it everyday." wilbur made an o with his mouth, continuing to play with the ring that vienna wore.

vienna spoke up again. "i'm sorry for walking- well, running away from you the other day. i just got scared, you know? it's hard for me to think anyone could love me. which isn't your fault at all, it's theo's."

she mumbled the last part. if wilbur was any further, it would've been inaudible. but he wasn't any further, and he heard what she said. "who's theo?"

it seemed like he was someone she'd rather forget because at the mention of his name, she tensed up and took a deep breath.

"theo wilson. he was just some guy i met in university. we were together for almost a year until i finally broke up with him." she seemed relieved at that last sentence.

theo wilson. his best friend from childhood? wilbur was curious now. "if you're comfortable sharing, what happened?" the last thing he wanted to do was push it.

vienna let out a deep sigh, this time her voice was low. "i was kind of taken advantage of, i guess. i was still going through a lot of things with my brother, it was hard to defend myself when he did... things. he was abusive and manipulative. everything i wanted to leave behind me when i left my parents home. that's it tho. it never got really bad but he left me feeling like i couldn't actually be loved."

what an arse. "i'm sorry you had to go through that, but i'm glad you're out of. you're lovable vienna. even if you don't see it, and that might take time to overcome, you are. i can promise you that much."

vienna let out a smile, gazing into wilbur's eyes again. he smile back. squeezing her hand ever so tightly, instead of playing with it like he had been the whole time.

"you know, wilbur soot, you always know what to say. i'm glad we've got each other, you're always there for me, as am i for you."

"well, your pain, is my pain. what you feel, i feel too. we've got so much trauma and sadness built up in us but the only difference between us is that it may have happened at different times. i'm willing to try. try for you, for my friends, for everyone, but especially for you. your happiness is more important to me than anything else."

"and yours mine."

author's note
whoop :D
not proofread

𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 - wilbursoot Where stories live. Discover now