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~ three months before wilbur comes back~

after spending about half a year in the apartment, arabella thought it was time to finally ask vienna the question thats been bugging her forever.

they were currently on the couch eating some pizza they ordered a while ago. vienna noticed arabella's change in posture and decided to ask what was bothering her.

"you alright bella?"

arabella looked away from her pizza and toward her best friend. she started fiddling with her fingers as she prepared what she was going to say.

"well, you see. there's this thing i've been meaning to ask you for a while now. more like a few months. i know we just moved into this apartment a few months ago and i love living with you but i want a change. and not just a change of a city, but career. you know how much i love watching people stream and making videos, i want to do that too. i just feel like it's not possible here. i don't even have room for a setup if i got one. i know i'm kind of rambling but what i wanna ask is if you wanna move away with me?"

vienna was in shock. she didn't even know what to say. probably because everything arabella had said was still processing in her brain, but also because she hadn't even thought of moving anytime soon. was she ready to give up her life in the small town that had been so welcoming? a change was always nice, but that wasn't the only thing stopping her.

"uhh... well i haven't really thought of moving so soon. i mean i have a job here and oh god what about school? wait what am i talking about i literally take online courses."

at this point she was just talking to herself. she soon realized and got back on track.

"alright alright what i'm trying to say is, there's a lot to think about when moving. i mean can we even afford moving into a bigger place? you know i don't have much money with a part time job. not until i finish school at least. i'd love to move with you but i just don't think i'm financially stable for that right now."

"look vee. i've already thought about this. i've been saving any extra money i could. i think this is really something i could be passionate about. i know money's hard for you right now but i'm willing to take a risk. i'll even pay 2/3 of the rent til you get a full time job. school ends soon anyways and you get to graduate. just think about it, yeah?"

vienna was never one to be optimistic of the future, but she trusted her best friend. she also knew how much arabella loved streams and how she always talked about streaming one day.

"well alright. i guess we could work something out for the time being. BUT i will be working toward paying you back eventually. even if you get super famous and don't need my pity money anymore!"

they both laughed at vienna's remarks. finishing their pizza and focusing their gaze back on the tv in front of them. arabella had a good feeling about this, but vienna was nervous to the core.

authors note:

um so yeah i guess i wrote something :D
thank you for 3k reads, it means a lot!!
also how do yall feel about chapters this size?
it'd make updating easier but i need the readers opinions too

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