𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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tw // self harm, vomit

2 hours later

wilbur knocked on the door of arabella and vienna's house, but no one replied. his mind began to overthink every possible situation, good or bad. he grabbed the spare key from where arabella told him it was and unlocked the door.

he slowly opened the door, cautious of walking in. locking the door behind him, he made his way towards vienna's room. once again, he knocked and once again, no answer. he twisted the handle, surprised it was unlocked.

quietly opening the door, he peered in to see a sleeping vienna. he cooed at the sight before examine her features. her skin was pale and the bags under her eyes were darker than usual. he sighed, exiting the room and making his way to the kitchen.

he rummaged through the cabinets and the contents of the fridge in search of something he could make vienna for dinner. by the looks of it, it seemed like she hadn't been able to eat for a while now. the thought alone put a frown on his face. he had no luck finding anything to make a decent meal.

about an hour later, he arrived back at the house with some chicken noodle soup. vienna was still sleeping, so he thought he'd bring her the soup and wake her up.

"vienna... vienna, wake up." his tone was soft and he lightly tapped her shoulder. she groaned before turning over to see wilbur.

"wil? what are you doing here? how'd you get in here?" confusion laced in her voice.

"well i was getting worried about you, so i thought i'd stop by and see how you're doing. i used the spare key arabella told me about." he gave her a small smile.

she sat up in her bed, noticing the soup in his hands. "wil, i can't eat that. not now."

his eyebrows furrowed, "why not?"

"uh, every time i eat something it just.. ends up coming back up." her head hung low now. why did he come now? why did he have to be so worried about her.

"just try, at least. you're pale, vienna. i can tell you haven't eaten in a while." his words were genuine and held sincere worry.

she sighed before taking the soup and eating small amounts at a time. her stomach could only take so much, so half of it remained uneaten. wilbur came back from the kitchen with a cup of water and handed it to her. she took a sip of the water, swallowing it.

*seconds later she felt a lump in her throat. she hurriedly moved the covers. wilbur grabbing her arm to help her out, causing her to wince. he faltered for a second at her action, a frown taking over his face when he realized why she reacted that way.

his thoughts were brought back when he heard vienna throw up in the bathroom. he scurried over, holding her hair back as she continued to vomit. he turned away, giving her some form of privacy while she emptied the contents of her stomach.

after a few minutes, things had settled and they both remained sat on the bathroom floor. she got up to brush her teeth while the silence still remained. he was hesitant to ask, but he did. "you- why did you wince when i grabbed your arm?"

vienna shot him a look of fear, tears starting to form in her eyes. wilbur understood, of course. it still made him upset that she would result in such a thing instead of coming to him. "why?"*

she looked up at him, a sort of empty expression on her face. she let out a sigh, "i don't know. it just- i'm just not... happy. can't you see that?"

"was i not enough to make you happy? did you ever stop and think about how much i've tried to be there for you? to make you happy and to help ease your pain? i didn't always expect it to work but i just wanted to be there for you and you never let me. you're afraid vienna. i get that. you're scared that if you open up and tell someone about what actually goes on in that head of yours, they're gonna be just as scared as you are of it. but i'm not someone you have to worry about. i'm not leaving. you could ingnore me all you want but i am never leaving. okay? i'm always going to be here whether it takes you days or months to realize it."

"you don't get what it's like in my mind, wilbur. it's not just the past trauma and the depressive episodes, the anxiety and the attacks that come with it. it's everything. i can never catch a break. it's part of who i am and i cant control that. just like i can't control the thoughts that tell me i have no one to go to or that tell me to ignore everyone. i just can't control it, okay?" her voice was slightly higher this time.

before wilbur could let out a response vienna spoke up again. "i'd like for you to leave, please." her voice was stern but not as high as her last words.

"after everything we've been through?"

"we've been through nothing." her response was almost immediate, like she really meant it. like she'd thought about it before. wilbur felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. nothing?

author's note
new chapter in another hour ;)

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