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the energy of excitement managed to get to everyone as everyone cheered and ran to the street where the cars were starting their engines for the race

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the energy of excitement managed to get to everyone as everyone cheered and ran to the street where the cars were starting their engines for the race.

"these are the two best racers in all of Seoul from what we know off, after this race they let the new people have a try to street racing. do you want to try?"
Yangyang says as the three sit down near the back.

"yeah sure"
y/n said trying to hide her slight excitement.

Jeno teleported through the empty buildings trying to find a view of y/n.

He finally comes to a building right behind where y/n was. Sighing in relief, he stands in the shadows incase someone looks back into the building, he throws his hoodie on so incase his hair shines through the shadows.

He leans against the brick wall lazily looks around the empty room.

"I wonder what this place was before it shut down.."
He mutters out loud as his eyes scan the area.

He turns his head back towards y/n, only to notice she was leaning against Haechan's shoulder tiredly.

He moves closer to the window but remains in the shadows. He listens to their conversation with a tinge of pain through his heart.

"are you tired?"
Haechan says as he puts his arm around her shoulder, he gently pats her head as he looks down at her.

"no... okay fine.. a bit.."
y/n says, looking back up at him. He smiles and pinches her nose playfully. y/n giggles and sits up straight again.

"hey love birds, it's starting"
yangyang teases as he taps Haechan's leg repeatedly. Haechan slaps yangyangs thigh and glares at him.
"no need to call us love birds"
Yangyang shrugs with a evil smirk on his face before the three look back to the street, eyeing the cars.

Jeno looks down at his feet, feeling an odd feeling he used to feel a long time ago.

"what's with me getting all my feelings back? wasn't I supposed to remain emotionless for the rest of time until I become a fallen angel or a human on earth.."
Jeno says quite loud out of confusion. He covers his mouth and quickly moves away from the window, to the corner on the other side of the room. Blending himself with the shadows.

no one looks back so he lets out a sigh of relief.
He focuses his attention back to y/n to see her standing up.

"why is she always doing something"
He says with an annoyed voice. He immediately moves away from the corner to window, hiding under the window sill but remaining within the shadows. Managing to hear to the conversation.

"I'm going to the bathroom"
she says as she looks down at the two boys.

"we'll come with you"
Yangyang says but y/n shakes her head.

"it's just there isn't it? I'll be fine"
y/n said as she points to a bathroom only a building away.

"but the alleyway is a place where all the suspicious people are"
Haechan says as he stands up.
"I'll be fine, you guys can easily see me"

The two continue trying to persuade her but she ends up going by herself. Jeno watches he walk away to the bathroom and goes to follow but listens to the boys for a second.

"if something happens to her I will never forgive myself.."
Haechan mutters. Yangyang nods and pats his shoulder.

"she should be fine, we can just watch the bathroom door and make sure she goes in there and no creeps go in after"

Jeno teleports through the buildings into a toilet stall. He looks through the cracks and sees y/n enter the bathroom. He sighs, quite pleased that she did make it to the bathroom safely.

"what's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?"
a voice mutters out as someone grabs onto her wrist. She quickly pushes them away and runs into a toilet stall.

Jeno opens the stall he was in and looks into the mans eyes. He had red eyes, which were flickering from green to red.

"you just starting at being a bad guy"
Jeno said as he grabs the collar of the older male.

"what's it to you?"

"Yangyang haechan help!! please!"
y/n shouts into her phone. The older male smirks and looks into Jeno's eyes.

"brave of you to assume I did this alone."
the male said in a low whisper, he looks behind jeno making jeno feel fury.

" you are sick- "
jeno suddenly feels pressure on the back of his head, along with a loud echoing sound of a pan making contact with a surface. Jeno let's go of the man and falls down to the ground with a loud thud following after. y/n cries were heard making two men laugh.

"I knew that pan would end up coming in use"
another mans voice was heard. Jeno tries to look around but fails as his vision.

A large light flashes through and suddenly Jeno had his vision back. He tries to not make it obvious, he looks around and sees that they are continuing to smirk. As if they didn't see the flash.

jeno. It's Jaemin. you need to leave and teleport away, you need to heal before saving y/n! leave!

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