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walking through the alley ways of a new town where a lot of sinners came to hide and restart their life, away from their old town where they committed their horrible crimes

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walking through the alley ways of a new town where a lot of sinners came to hide and restart their life, away from their old town where they committed their horrible crimes. Suddenly he was frozen, he looks at his hands slowly disappearing causing him to roll his eyes, waiting to be fully teleported back to hell.

"what's this for?"
Jeno asks while staring at the leader.
"I am just simply reminding you that today you are getting some powers. teleportation and strength. Use wisely or you will fail"

Jeno nods and goes to turn around when he is stopped by the deep voice of the leader.
"and if you ever get caught, keep an eye on the person. if they tell anyone

kill them."
Jeno nods and waits to be teleported back to earth.

his body falling onto the ground in a dark alley way. His eyes glowing a dark red as his body moves swiftly to the area where the sinner was.
"what's a hottie like you doing out this late"
a girl flirts casually as he passes her. Jeno stares at the girl, her eyes glowing bright red.

she's a sinner

Jeno smiles his sweet eye smile and lures the girl deeper into the alley way. He pins her against the wall while she smirks thinking he is attracted to her.

"I love the way your skin would be easily torn off.. this might just be easier than expected"
he growls and stabs her. Quickly he covers he mouth and holds onto her as they teleport away from the city, and to the country side where he lays her against the tree. Her body lets her soul out and he catches her soul in the bag.
"enjoy hell you sinner"
he throws the bag up in the air and it disappears into the hell.

He liked being able to teleport around, it made everything so much easier.

Jeno teleported back to the alleyways and walked out onto the street. He saw the eyes of a sinner from a mile away, their eyes glow a bright red which flashes through trees.

He smirks and runs towards the area. The streets were quiet and the only thing lighting them up was the street lights.

he walks past a cafe which was in the middle of closing, he makes slight eye contact with the worker. Her eyes were bright green, she wasn't a sinner. She smiles and continues to clean the tables. Jeno shakes his head and walks into the alleyway next to the cafe. A few older men, stood in the alleyway, laughing their evil laugh as they made a plan to get a girl.

"stupid sinners"

jeno mumbled as he approached them. Two of the boys noticed Jeno's presence and backed away. His intimidating stance, along with his sharp muscles. The veins in his neck pop out slightly as he opens his mouth to speak.
"Joshua, right?"
he says pointing to the blonde boy.
"yeah? who the fuck are you?"
"I wouldn't speak to me like that if you want to live" Jeno smirks as he steps closer. The boys run away, deeper into the alley, all expect Joshua.

"well that made it easier didn't it"
Jeno says as he leans closer to his face.
Jeno forcibly grabs Joshua by the neck and throws him into a trash bin. Stabbing him while covering his mouth. Holding his hand softly he teleports Joshuas body away to the same tree where the last sinner was. Capturing his soul, sending it to hell, then teleporting back to the alleyway to get the other boys.

"where is he? it's like he disappeared!"
one of them whispered to the other, as they peaked around the corner. Jeno chuckles as he stepped behind them.
the boys scream and run straight into the wall causing them to get cuts on their face.
"sadly, you boys look innocent, but you know you aren't. what a shame, now if you participate it will be less harmful"

the boys sit there breathing heavily while Jenos eyes glow dark red.
"who am i kidding? I'm going to torture your asses"

y/n's pov
I walk out of the cafe as soon as I finished cleaning up. It was odd for us to be open so late, but recently sales have been soaring for us, so we decided to stay open later.

my phone alarm goes off informing me I just missed my bus.
I mutter under my breath while I walk past the alley way next to our cafe. I look into it to see a male, he had dark blue hair and he had a lot of arm muscle.

The admiration soon disappeared as I watched him pull a knife out and stab a boy. He teleports away. Within a blink of an eye he was gone. Leaving a boy behind crying. He comes back and stabs the boy. He smirks as the body fell down. He leans down and says something but he was too far away for me to understand.

why am I watching this? eugh.

She turns around until she hears foot steps. She looks back around and see's him, no bodies in sight. just him standing there, eyeing my figure. I awkwardly smile and wave, waiting for him to come and get me and kill me like them. Whether I deserved it or not, I saw everything so he was gonna kill me,,


he stares at me in confusion, as if he didn't understand.
"you haven't killed me yet?"
I chuckle as I look around to see no one.

he grins and disappears in front of my eyes.
"it's fun playing games with a innocent person"
he whispers with his deep voice. I turn around in shock to see him right behind me.
I try and step backwards but he disappears again, appearing behind me, making me bump into his chest. I turn around to see him smirking.
"see you soon princess"

and with that
he disappears.
YO I'm excited to see where my brain goes with this series hehe

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