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"I should probably go home now"y/n says as the three of them arrive at her street

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"I should probably go home now"
y/n says as the three of them arrive at her street.
"do you want us to walk you to your house?"
Haechan suggest but y/n smiles and shakes her head.

"it's okay, I'll be fine"
she waves at them and start walking towards her house.

she halts her steps and turns around to see both running towards her.
Yangyang says while holding his phone out and a smile on his face.

"what he meant to say is can we have your number? that way we can contact about our project and about the races"
Haechan says with a slight giggle at Yangyang.
"oh yeah sure"
she types in her number in both of their phones and they message her so she has theirs.
"alright, see you guys later"
y/n smiles and waves again. She turns around and walks away to her house.

The two boys look at each other and smirk. Their minds going straight to the same thing.
"race ya to my house"
Yangyang says with a smirk displayed on his face.

they start running as fast as they can to his house. Neither stopping to even catch their breath until they arrived at his house.
"hah! I won!!"
Yangyang says before he stops and catches his breath. Both out of them were completely out of breath and gasping for breath.
"you started running first!"
Haechan protested but only to see Yangyang giggling and shrugging his shoulders.

the two enter Yangyangs house and go to his lounge room where his parents were.
haechan says with a happy smile. They greet him and the two boys go upstairs to Yangyangs room where they start playing games.

Jeno walks into the apartment that he was given by his leader back in hell. It was safer for them to get a apartment where they can hide or relax while they have a break from hunting the sinners.

Jeno flops onto the bed and groans annoyed by everything, everyone even.

"Jaemin-ah, give me something to do!! I have no sinners to get and I don't want to be left by myself and my thoughts."

Jeno whines out loud, hoping maybe Jaemin was watching or at least listening. He closed his eyes and turns over onto his back. He lets out a sigh and starts feeling relaxation falling upon him until a sudden crash was heard. A flash off light flies past Jeno's eyes as he opens them. He sits up straight and makes eye contact with Jaemin who was laughing to himself.

Jaemin says as he picks up the couch that had somehow fallen over due to the landing off Jaemin.
"could've come here quietly.."
"where's the fun in that though?"
Jaemin says with a smirk as he sits down on the couch.
"you wanted something to do, well I'm here to give you a job to do"

Jeno moves from the comfortable bed to the couch that was across from where Jaemin was sitting. Jeno flicks his hair out of his eyes and leans back as he looks at Jaemin awaiting him to speak.

"y/n has-"
"no. not dealing with her. you said yourself I'll just end up hurting her-"
"jeno! Thats if you mess up!! Just listen"
Jaemin snaps, shooting a disappointed glare at Jeno. Jeno closes his mouth and looks down.

"now. jeno-ah, your little friend, y/n might be getting into trouble"
Jaemin says with a calm voice. His gaze even softened.
"is it those two boys?!"
"no, not them, just a few people that are going to that event"
Jaemin says, casually warning Jeno.

"what event?"
jeno asks with curiosity taking over him.
"speed racing. Haechan and Yangyang are in a group of speed racers, I believe you have meet them before. y/n should be staying with haechan and Yangyang but you SHOULD go and keep her safe incase she ever gets by herself, or something happens."

Jaemin takes a quick breath before continuing.
"either keep her safe and get a better chance coming here, or kill the sinners there. up to you. Also if you keep Haechan and Yangyang safe, that's a bonus and will also increase your chance of getting what you want."
Jaemin stands up and walks over to Jeno. standing in front of him, he plays with Jeno's hair, ruffling it around before he lets out a disappointed sigh.

"as much as I love your dark blue hair, you need to change your hair colour, you can't risk being caught."
Jaemin moves back and clicks his fingers, a blonde hair dye appears in his hands and he chucks it into Jeno's lap.
"after you do this you can dye your hair blue again, it will be a brighter blue but that's okay"

Jeno just nods and looks up to Jaemin who smiling.
"I'll get going now, if I'm not wrong the speed racing is tomorrow, 8 pm"
Jaemin waves to Jeno who just smiled and gave a little wave. Jaemin disappears with a light trail behind him.

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