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y/n paces around her bedroom anxiously waiting for something to happen

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y/n paces around her bedroom anxiously waiting for something to happen. She had messaged Yangyang and he hadn't replied, she messaged Haechan and he also, hasn't replied.

Deciding to distract herself, she sits down and does some assignments for her college work.

Minutes pass and she throws her head back and let's out a exaggerated sigh.
"are they okay?"
she utters out.

"they are being taken care of right now"
Jeno says as he steps forward from behind her.

She jumps in her chair and spins around, looking back at Jeno with wide eyed.
"gosh you can't just come here out of no where"
she said as she held her heart, calming down her heart.

"I just thought you would like to go see them."
He says tiredly. He tucks his hands into the pockets of his jeans and he shuffles his head around, moving the hair that covered his eyes, to the side of his face a bit.

"I do.."
"then tell your parents you are going out for a bit, you are going back to your friends. I don't know but come out to the car there. I'll be waiting"
Jeno mutters out as he looks away from y/n, avoiding eye contact with her as he wasn't too happy with her.

y/n stands up and grabs her things, leaving the room with a short glance back to see that he was already gone.

"mum! dad! I'm going out again! I'll probably stay at my friends but if not I'll come home!!"
"okay be safe!"

y/n nods and rushes outside, walking with a fast pace to the car. She opens the door and looks into see Jeno sitting calmly.

She sits in the seat and closes the door. The car starts and Jeno drives off into the night. y/n sat in silence while Jeno lowly mumbled the lyrics along to the songs that played through the radio.

"I'm sorry.. for how I acted.."
y/n apologised as she looks over to Jeno. Jeno sighs and shrugs.

"it's fine. it's not exactly your fault."
y/n looks out the side window and feels the wave of guilt she has slowly ease.

he isn't too mad.. it's okay..

Jeno on the other hand still held a slight grudge against her.

"you didn't need to push me though, or yell in a matter of fact. you could've just listened to me before you got hurt. who knows what could've happened. They could've came out and ran after us and we didn't notice."
y/n looks down into her lap with a sad expression, more so a quilt across her face and she nods.

Jeno reaches his hand over and holds her, gently caressing it. she holds his hand back and looks over at him with a small smile.

"we are here"
he said as they parked outside a small hospital. "we lied to the doctors about what happened so don't bring anything about the fight up okay?"

y/n only nods and that's when it hit her.

"oh my god wait what happened to your arm"
she said pointing at her arm that he was using to drive.

"a-ah that. nothing don't worry, it doesn't hurt"
"come on let's go in"
he said as he opened his door and closed it.

y/n follows after him and went to ask but stopped when she saw doctors walk past them.
"where are they"
"be patient I'm taking you too them"

y/n clings onto Jeno's arm and looks down, hoping she wasn't annoying him. they arrive at a room and jeno opens the door, y/n slowly walks in and sees haechan and Yangyang, sitting on a bed talking to each other.

they say in unison as y/n runs over to them and hugs both of them. Jeno walks in and sits on the other bed, across from the three of them.

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