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hi before you read, you don't have to read all of this since I know it's a long chapter

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hi before you read, you don't have to read all of this since I know it's a long chapter. But read the first few paragraphs and the last few at least, all though I do recommend reading all of this as some things have changed ;)

y/n's pov
her eyes had been closed for at least an hour but sleep was no where near, unable to feel the slightest bit tired, she grew annoyed.

laying restless. staring at the ceiling, hoping her eyes would grow tired and end up giving in. Letting her fall into a peaceful slumber.

But it had yet to happen.
maybe it was so the curiosity she had been feeling recently. too much for her own mind to be able to get a hold off.

but in the end she dove into a peaceful sleep. diving into a dream that felt beyond real.
as if it was plain deja vu.


trudging her feet along the ground until she reached an alleyway, hearing a noise. Looking off to the side, only to see a blue hair man, wearing full black, or maybe it was just the bad lighting. But he was pinning down another man.

A knife tucked into his hands rather tightly.
the gruesome sight came quicker than she expected. Blood pouring out of the wound before the blue haired man looked to the side.

and then
just like magic
he disappeared.

frozen, she couldn't move.
somehow confused yet she knew she should run but she stayed. Screaming her in head how dumb this was yet, she didn't move a single inch.

Just as she was about to turn away, she heard a whimper. Followed by quiet sobs. She quickly noticed that a boy was left behind, crying.

But her senses to help the boy came too late as the blue haired male comes back and stabs the boy, smirking as the body fell down. He leans down and says something but he was too far away for me to understand.
why am I watching this? eugh.

although y/n didn't know why she thought that? it was a dream she was having yet why did she feel like it was so real. weird deja vu?

She turns around until she heard foot steps coming up from behind her. Slowly, she turned back around and see's him, no bodies in sight. just him standing there, eyeing her figure. She awkwardly smiles and waves, waiting for him to come and get her, and kill her like the male did go them.
Whether i deserved it or not, I saw everything so he was gonna kill me,,

when is the nightmare going to end oh my god.
the pain of thoughts that she new her dream self was not having hurt. why couldn't she stop this stupid nightmare? why did it feel so real compared to any other stupid nightmare.

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