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Jeno giggles of himself, reminiscing the moment before he left he had with Jaemin up when he was in heaven

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Jeno giggles of himself, reminiscing the moment before he left he had with Jaemin up when he was in heaven.

He slides his feet along the light coloured wood floor boards, towards a white clean mirror. His eyes falls onto his body.

His hair was fluffy and soft looking, very much messy but it was a hot mess. His outfit was a simple white t-shirt that revealed his collarbones rather well, and he wore black sweatpants along with it. He slowly lifted his shirt up and his eyes widened seeing how fit he was in this life.

smirking at himself, he walks to the kitchen and looks through the fridge he had. He eyes glancing around before landing on some side dishes. His body gravitated  to them and picked them up.

I guess since I don't have full control on my life yet.. I'll be having to get use to what, I guess, I normally do?

he sits down on the floor in front of the tv and eats the food calmly. The sunshine shun through the window onto the table. He smiled, somehow finding it such a beautiful sight.

His phone starts beeping from notifications, he glances over to it. Examining the phone before picking it up. Reading over the text notifications, he simply ignored them. Feeling himself acknowledge that he was a rather dry person. very far from his real personality.

He suddenly remembered the contact name.

"work mate #1"
"work colleague"

He sighed, realising what kind of university he was in. He looked around his apartment, his eyes landing on a glass cupboard full of books.

To be exact, business books.

great? I'm a business guy now? what am I ? A future CEO??

he sighs and finishes up with his food. Looking out the window again as he leaned his back against the couch. His elbow held his head up as he faced his body towards the window, enjoying the beautiful view.

Minutes passed and he stood up, leaving to go to the bathroom to freshen up. After doing so, he stood in the mirror. The towel wrapped along just below his hips as he admired his own body. His hair was a light shade of blue, yet when it was wet it was very sexy looking. He smirked at his silly thoughts, secretly loving the amount of confidence he had.

he puts some clothes on, but remains shirtless.  leaving the bathroom, his shirt resting over his shoulder, he throws the shirt onto the couch before grabbing his phone.

he looks through it, trying to get any extra evidence on what he does for a living in this mysterious life he has.

he looks through his messages and scrolls down to see one from a university.


gasping loudly he looks around his apartment, his eyes landing on a closest which he runs to and opens it. His eyes scanned the closest until landing on a black suit.

damn am I rich or something?

he thought as he pulled the suit out. He looked at the brand and his eyes widened. the brand was definitely an expensive one, along with the fact this looked like it was some sort of designer.

suddenly he felt the urge to leave and go to the university. he put the suit back into the closet and grabbed a black short. Throwing it over his head onto his body, he grabbed a brown coat and threw it on as well. He looked into the mirror, satisfied with the outfit. His black shirt and black pants looked exceptionally well together and the brown coat that reached mid thigh, made the look complete.

He grabbed some things and put them into his coat pocket, making his way to the door where he lazily put his black and white sneakers on.

Leaving his amazingly lit apartment, content with his look and even more happy with his new life he had.

only one thing was troubling him.

If I see her,, will the feel the need to talk to her? want to see if I know her or if she even remembers me from my past life as a demon?

either way.
I don't think I should be around her.
wouldn't it only hurt me.

I got lucky enough for Jaemin to remember me.. but I don't want y/n to remember. the horrible memories of me killing sinners for souls.

not something a human would want to live with, remembering those memories of being attacked and a demon saving you.

argh whatever. I probably won't even see her.

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