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Jaemin takes slow strides to the room where they lead him too

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Jaemin takes slow strides to the room where they lead him too. Everyone sat around the white table and sat on the fluffy floating clouds.

"Jaemin, we have decided on what to do with the situation you have caused"

Jaemin looks down at the ground feeling an uneasy feeling in his stomach. It only grew when everyone looked at him.

"we decided that it's best for you and all of the working angels if you go on a week suspension. you won't be doing any work, instead you'll be in a home and reflect on your actions."

Jaemin nods quickly, a small grateful smile across his face as he couldn't help but feel that way. This situation could've gone south but instead, it went the good way.

Kun smiles upon seeing Jaemin being relieved, he looks at the others and they nod.
"and we won't take away the spell from them, it would cause to much damage to them and we can't risk it. What's done is done, besides.. it wasn't the worst thing."

Jaemin puts a hand over his chest and breaths heavily through his wide smile. Everyone smiles at him and then most stood up, leaving the room to continue on with their other jobs. Jaemin stayed seated and really took the words reflect to another level.

"I won't do anything like this again. I won't use magic on them unless needed, I promise."
Jaemin says holding his pinkie finger up and having a serious expression across his face, making kun laugh at the boy.

"we know"
the angel said, standing up and patting kun's shoulder and sending a sweet, honest smile to Jaemin before leaving the room.

Jaemin jumps off his fluffy cloud seat, running to kun and jumping into his arms.
"Thank you! thank you! you don't know how much this means to me!"
kun giggles and hugs Jaemin back. Patting his back reassuring Jaemin.

jeno and y/n ended up leaving the playground after a while off endless fun conversations.
it was almost sunset, the two had been outside all day. On a playground talking about themselves and learning more about each other.

They went to a convenience store and bought some food to eat and fill up their empty stomachs. Eating outside the store on some chairs, eating in silence. Once they finished they talked about what to do when suddenly jeno had an idea.
"hey wait let's go somewhere! It'll be fun!"
y/n agreed to his words seeing how excited his face suddenly became. Especially how his eyes lighted up and he looked like a happy child when they finally get when they want.

Jeno takes y/n's hand into his and pulls her to a dirt path, going off the side walk. They walk through a area filled with trees. Trees everywhere you look. Only dirt, rocks and random green plants on the ground, and of course the path they were following.

y/n held onto Jeno's hand tightly, somehow finding him safe to be around. Maybe it was knowing that he was human now. Or maybe it was the fact that she always had that feeling around him.

Finally the endless trees and gross looking ground turned into pretty greenery. There was beautiful green grass and trees that had branches drooping down with the green leaves and vines almost touching the ground.
It was beyond magical.

y/n let go off Jeno's hand, running ahead of him along the path. Jeno giggled and ran after her down the path.
"what's down here?"
y/n said slowing down looking and seeing there was such a long walk ahead.

"you'll love it"
"I don't love all this exercise you're making me do"
Jeno laughed and shrugged his shoulders, continuing to walk past her down the path.
She followed soon after and walked next to him. There hands slipping into each other's touch and ending up intertwining their fingers together.

they continued to walk through the magical greenery until they came upon a path going off the one they were off. Jeno pulled y/n to go onto the new path and after only a few steps down the new path, the sound of water was heard bringing excitement to y/n.

"is it a waterfall?!"
jeno didn't reply and instead just continues taking her down the path. Jeno let's go off her hand, causing y/n to look up at him in confusion.

He moved behind her and covered her eyes with his hands. She puts her hands on top on his, feeling safer if she holding onto something.
"keep walking, I'll help you and keep you safe, don't worry"

She slowly starts walking again, listening for when he starts telling her to go more left or more right.

He finally says stop and the sound of water was very clear now. It sounded like a waterfall. The sound of the water hitting more water, crashes against rocks, and the general sound of water flowing.

Jeno lifts his hands off her face, letting her be able to see again and see the beautiful site of a lake. The lake was surrounded by the green trees with drooping branches, leaves and vines.

The lake was apart of a long water stream, which was like a mini waterfall when it had a drop from the water stream to the lake.

"it's beautiful.."
y/n muttered in shock. Jeno smiles and wraps his arm around her arm.
"not as beautiful as you are"

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