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"w-what"y/n said shocked looking at jeno who was still next to her clinging onto her arm

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y/n said shocked looking at jeno who was still next to her clinging onto her arm.
"you are beautiful"
He said again, this time looking right into her eyes. After his words he did a little eye smile and looked back to the view while y/n stayed still staring at him.

Even though she was shocked by his sudden compliment, she got distracted from that. Instead looking at him filled her mind. His hoodie made him look so soft.. gentle even.
and how he was in general? attractive.

wait what? what am I thinking?

Jeno turns his head and looks at her, noticing she had been quiet and staring at him for a while.
"is something wrong?"

y/n looks up to his face, looking into his eyes. just silence between the two of them. Her lips curled into a smile and she turns back to look at the lake.
"no. nothings wrong."
she said with a giddy smile, feeling her self get all happy again. Jeno smiled and nodded, looking at the view as well.

He looked around the outskirts of the lake, until he found the place he wanted to show her.
"come with me, quickly"
she looked at him confused but followed him. He walked to the side of the lake, walking along the outskirts of it until he came upon a green tree with it drooping over the lake, and a clear space under the branches.

Red flowers grew on this tree, it was all over the inside off it. Jeno pushes the vines and branches to the side allowing y/n to walk in easily. Jeno followed in after and let go of the branches as they snapped back to normal.

They sat down under the tree, feet close to the water as they sat right next to each other. Jeno put the tip of his shoe into the water before flicking it back up, watching the water fling into the air.

y/n did the same and it turned into a competition of who could flick the water the highest.
jeno ended flicking it the highest, but of course it resulted in the water coming back down..
onto them.

y/n whined at the water being on her face. She quickly wiped her face with her hand but then it just got onto her hand. Jeno fell onto his back laughing, noticing how disgusted she was by the not so clean water going onto her face, he sat up and grabbed her chin, turning her to face him.

He used his jumper sleeve to wipe her face clean. His sudden action making y/n blush but managed to hold back from getting to red in the face.

Jeno smiled and tapped her cheek playfully.

After an hour or so of relaxing under the tree, the two of them stood up and left the area. Returning back to the street away from the beautiful lake.

"I'll like to remember that place"
y/n muttered quietly, hoping he heard. Which he did.

"let's go there often, the two of us!"
jeno suggested with a happy grin on his face.
y/n nodded in agreement. Loving the thought that this meant they would be hanging out more.

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