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y/n leads the two boys over to a table near the back of the classroom

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y/n leads the two boys over to a table near the back of the classroom. Grabbing three chairs and pulling them to the table.
they smile and take the seat.

"I thought we could get to know each other better since we are apparently working together"
y/n says with a shy smile.
Haechan nods and lifts his hands out of his lap, putting his elbows on the table and resting his head in his hand.
"Haechan and I are close already since we were friends at our old university, I mean that makes this less awkward I guess..?"
Yangyang says with a giggle at the end.
"we could-"
"alright class listen up now"
the professor says cutting y/n off.

Haechan and Yangyang turn their heads towards the professor quickly, putting their focus on the professor. y/n was slightly taken back as they seemed like the type of kids to have just gotten lucky with getting into university. But no, they seemed to actually be smart.

"I am setting an assignment, it will take about a month to fully, successful accomplish it. You will be going to primary schools and teaching some kids how to play instruments. This assignment starts next week, in the mean time you need to figure out what instrument you are going to teach the kids. The instrument must been one that is at the school as we aren't going to supply instruments.

you will be working with partners, maybe a group of three if needed"
the professor looked at us before continuing.
"I'll hand you papers about the schools you are going to and the year levels you are doing at that school, along with the instruments that the school will be providing"

the professor finishes talking to us a whole class letting us speak amongst ourselves while he speaks to certain students pairing them together.
"as I was saying earlier, we could go to a cafe after this class? we can start the planning now so we can relax the rest of the week until the assignment starts?"
y/n says continuing her sentence from earlier.
"yeah sure!"
Yangyang says with a large yet cute smile on his face. Haechan agrees and they start a small conversation until the teacher approaches them.

"you guys are the group of three, so make sure to get along and try your hardest on this assignment. you need at least one student each unless you want to try more. here are the papers, make sure to read through it."
the teacher says handing the paper over to us

"Also y/n, they are also practicing to be a music teacher so this will be a good way to bond together over interests"
the teacher says concluding his sentence before walking over to another table of students.

"ahhh I'm excited"
Yangyang says before covering his mouth
"wasn't meant to say that out loud.."
haechan and y/n burst into giggles, trying their best to be quiet so they don't disturb others.
"y/n do you know how to play piano? or flute?"
Haechan asks taking his eyes away from the paper and looking at y/n.
"I'm better at flute, but I can play both"
Haechan nods and closes the paper booklet.
"we can teach flute and piano, if that's good with both of you guys?"
both nod in agreement to Haechan.

Haechan runs his hand through his messy fluffy hair, ruffling it into a different position out of boredom. Yangyang continues to scroll through his social media, replying to his friends that were messaging him. He seemed popular.

"you popular? you notifications keep going off"
y/n asks out of curiosity and Yangyang laughs nervously while Haechan cuts him off.
"of course he is popular! look at him!"
y/n turns her head away from Haechan and eyes Yangyang.
"only for your looks?"
"he has a great personality too"
haechan says while Yangyang gets flustered by the sudden attention on him.
"change the subject now please"

y/n laughs at his suddenly red face and turns her head away from him.
"so we have everything planned out so what now?"
Haechan asks while looking at y/n. Passing the paper across the table so she could read through it. Her eyes scan the papers before closing it and putting it back down on the table. Shrugging her shoulder tiredly.
"well,, let's go do something fun then?"
Yangyang suggests and Haechan immediately agrees. They look at y/n awaiting her reply.
"you don't have to come with us if you want to leave?-"
"what are we gonna go do though? what is fun to you guys?"
y/n questions, cutting haechan off just as he finished speaking.

"fun is a lot of things to us. sports, walking around towns, going specific places like tourist places, or..."
haechan stops talking and looks at Yangyang. y/n follows Haechan's eyes and looks at Yangyang who shakes his head.
"okay, uh then that's it? I mean we do a lot of things but I can't remember everything. We find a lot of things fun"
haechan says finishing the sentence. They stand up and leave the cafe, walking down the side of the street.

"what were you going to say?"
y/n says questioning them.
"like what was the other thing you were going to say but Yangyang shook his head?"

Haechan once again looks at Yangyang making him sigh.
"I would tell you but it's not something you just go around saying"
"why is it illegal?"
y/n questions, suddenly getting nervous.

"well?-" Yangyang says but gets cut off.
"no, it isn't"
"okay well we aren't bad bad people"
"we aren't bad people at all"
y/n stops walking and looks at them in confusing.
"what is it?"
"... you can't go and tell people-"
"dude we only met her today and you are going to tell her?!"
Yangyang says.
haechan sighs and closes his mouth refusing to speak about it now.

"if it's stealing, murdering, or anything THAT kind of bad, then maybe I'll tell people, but if it isn't then I won't... besides if it's fun..maybe I will do it too? depending what it is.."
y/n says but she quickly moves onto her next sentence before they could even speak.
"also it better not be drugs-"

"no god no non of those things"
Yangyang says, sounding shocked that she even thought that they would do any of them.
"good, well.. what is it?"
Yangyang sighs and looks at Haechan who just nods.

"oh come on! I'm getting inpatient!!"
y/n whined making the boys laugh a little.

"wait let's go over here"
haechan says pointing to a playground in a park. The two boys start running for the playground while y/n whines about running.

for once, her thoughts weren't on university, on studying, or on Jeno. For once it was on something new..

"come on!!"
haechan shouts in a cute tone making y/n start running while laughing.

They climb to the top of the empty playground and sit a the top of the slide, Sitting in a circle.

"now tell meeeee~"
y/n whined, trying her best to not get annoyed as her patience was running low.

"we uh... speed race? car racers? illegal racing in streets in an old town with other people?"
Yangyang says, trying to figure out what it's called again.

Haechan laughs at his friend before turning to y/n who had a shocked yet confused face.

"we are street racers"


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